鲜花( 87)  鸡蛋( 1)
老婆昨天被layoff。. m/ s3 N: b( {: l3 `
她们的team有几个engineer, 但她的资历最老,Performance一直很好,也是唯一一个被layoff的.
8 j6 G* b. j. k" P6 S4 b! {% [* p# @- J$ h( ]# s& ^8 g! y
9 U: \, a8 U, Q% ]* J% u0 I& l$ H/ B# L& D7 x! W/ G2 C4 h
资历最老是不是工资也最高? 如果公司没有足够的生意维持下去,他们可以将 not enough work 作为主要原因。 但是,他们是不是都知道她怀孕了? 只要能证实, 你可以向以下机构讨公道1 ?, e- @: J2 U( g6 {0 n
9 d; z2 H) W i2 m! NHow does human rights law protect pregnant women? 8 o: S# |. }/ s7 ~
1 `$ n( [+ B0 J0 c4 pIn Alberta, it is contrary to the Alberta Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act to:, F' w! c" x4 _' N
- treat women differently or create conditions that discriminate against women or make them feel unwelcome because of their pregnancy or breastfeeding \ h( c$ ~' A: O @) N% O
- ask women on job applications or in job interviews if they are pregnant or plan to have children
6 j/ I' A/ b4 S& W) |1 W' I7 l) | - fire, lay off or demote women because they are pregnant or breastfeeding
: C! {, B1 l) [2 m8 ~ - deny a woman the decision to request a leave due to pregnancy or childbirth% ?1 u* Q$ [8 G) y, ?3 H- c6 f; O
- deny a woman the decision of when she will begin a leave due to pregnancy or childbirth* z1 A/ K% _6 A$ |/ h, j
- prevent women from using their benefit plans for the health-related part of their leaves due to pregnancy or childbirth
7 }, C! l" C v2 W" r2 q1 n3 o - deny a woman the use of any earned overtime or vacation time before, during or immediately after she starts a leave due to pregnancy or childbirth, if this option is available to other employees (If granting overtime or earned vacation time would cause the employer undue hardship, it may be acceptable for the employer to deny this use of earned overtime or vacation time.)
0 Y9 U: m. q% k* o6 k6 m" c - ask women to pre-pay their benefit premiums, or to pay their employer’s share of premiums during the health-related part of their maternity leaves9 D7 }7 h5 _) y/ b
- refuse to rent an apartment or house to a woman because she is pregnant, except in the case of buildings that are designated for seniors or adults only
# q. g7 c; l: c* B/ U7 I - refuse women use of, or access to, any type of public service such as hotels, restaurants, retail stores, schools and hospitals because they are pregnant or breastfeeding
# @& X# p- I- y ' p7 c. A+ o- F4 e x& P K s
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