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不是这样的。 ( a" w$ y$ s- N w' ^; q1 F7 O, {% K2 u5 c% {* s; d+ q( U5 k
应该是在发生当年计入公司费用,即使公司没有盈利,但这费用create a loss that can be carried forward and utilized in future years. You CAN NOT record an expense which doesn't incur current year.
原帖由 如花 于 2008-4-20 12:08 发表 6 g( L& v u( Z, W6 S( ^% D$ N w& r' t7 C0 S; C
' X: G: \9 \1 X0 a4 B5 |
不是这样的。 9 r& W$ }7 R" k ? ( I7 ?: i! r! {应该是在发生当年计入公司费用,即使公司没有盈利,但这费用create a loss that can be carried forward and utilized in future years. You CAN NOT record an expense which doesn't incur cu ...
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哈哈,笨人好像有点开窍了。不管是赚还是赔,先把帐记上,来年再算。! w! i; V0 s3 L+ G( }& R