鲜花( 8)  鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 苏海 于 2021-2-7 11:39 编辑 ! b! T- s! P# D7 a: j' H1 N' s9 x. w
. m3 |* B! q0 W8 A: \欢迎并感谢朋友们观看由温哥华京韵戏曲协会主办的2021春节云演唱会,共享民族戏曲艺术给我们带来的欢乐。让我们携手迎接“牛”转乾坤的金牛年。6 F A* Z0 `3 Y* C N
2 i- F, W/ U$ i* }# ~1 W5 c. f2020年可以说是我们一生中最难忘而艰难的一年。由于突现的新冠疫情,让世界都陷入困顿和迷茫,但我们温哥华京韵戏曲的京剧人依然充满对生活的热情和对美好未来的向往,克服前所未有的困难举办了这次云演。本次演唱会非同寻常,除了会员们积极参与外,我们还得到爱城京剧研习社、温哥华越沪剧艺术协会等戏曲人的大力支持,他们的精彩表现给京韵演唱会增添了光彩!特别令人感动的是爱城京剧研习社为保证演唱会的顺利制作,无私给予财金资助,我们对爱城京剧研习社严庆蘋社长和各位嘉宾演员表示衷心的感谢!下面请观看演出!+ y! ?) K+ `" R" k) Q& g& L: j
& s7 F0 @$ V; i6 S$ s) W
& c1 z. P* i: W" G6 J! S! J3 [ `5 T4 a3 v) A. |) a
# A; y9 W8 ~" j9 _
+ I5 x/ g( K2 W5 L: _# u4 @腾讯视频:https://v.qq.com/x/page/s3226rvofe9.html
3 i) A4 J2 V# Q' ~( S2 T/ n4 W4 s
, z# O! U/ Z* ^5 p' u7 ^) S优酷视频 :
- b; q& e1 R0 ~* khttps://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTA5OTU2MTEyOA==.html6 a; b7 h8 e4 o% Y* r6 s% d
3 U+ K5 |/ G+ j. ]5 p谢谢大家!) h7 D% S8 n5 [3 X8 W0 _0 ~+ R7 E
6 ]2 _3 [7 l5 \* J
" T0 t0 d+ s1 _; V0 Z% K
& W: ]$ Q y1 @) W1. 严庆蘋 京剧《祈福:新送瘟神》
/ `3 ] W& C+ I( p6 M9 K$ N2. 吉林、邹丽华 京剧《沙家浜》选段 “军民鱼水情” / n: F: h+ X9 v6 f& j
3. 王艳屏 京剧《霸王别姬》 选段 “看大王在帐中和衣睡稳”+ t/ i7 G5 u2 _* G6 |: ~9 G7 y
4. 于金奎 京剧《摘缨会》 选段 “劝梓童休得要把本奏上” 2 h( a* a( C& s
5. 俞芸 越剧《宝莲灯》选段 “对月思家”
1 ~# G: |7 ]; y7 R6 j6. 张念 京剧《红灯记》选段 “都有一颗红亮的心”
3 Y$ p' `, S, D6 s2 n2 w8 Y7. 李志、张泳 京剧《白毛女 》选段 “连日里东奔又西颠”3 G6 ]7 c8 V/ a2 g' s) h
8. 刘敏 黄梅戏《女驸马 》选段 “为救李郎离家园”
Z' I( a7 l! \) G' l3 C$ l4 q9. 方捷 京剧《甘露寺》选段 “劝千岁杀字休出口”( B# y: z, I. b8 U# i& S- ^. W
10. 王人美 京剧《春闺梦》选段 “可怜负弩充前阵”
8 f% q+ F" U" y11. 严庆玲 越剧《西厢记》选段 “拷红”
/ U6 Z% }) y2 O* ^* m5 ]/ T12. 杨建 京剧《钓金龟》选段 “老天爷睁开了三分眼”
5 Z- t1 ~4 Q( @4 b, R, t13. 励靖克、吴竹风 京剧《洪洋洞》选段 “为国家哪何曾半日闲空”7 Q6 X4 E1 H2 ^2 `" O4 W3 h, S
14. 尹佳宁 京剧《红娘》选段 “叫张生隐藏在棋盘之下” 。
4 Q' a& ^: T6 M$ U15. 陆渝生 京剧《赵氏孤儿》选段 “我魏绛闻此言如梦方醒”
) n; q- E9 f1 u s16. 赵忆、柳志 京剧《杜鹃山》选段 “黄连苦胆味难分 ”: Y% @% s0 y; \+ m( j
17. 徐志荣 京剧《打渔杀家》选段 “昨夜晚吃酒醉和衣而卧”+ s6 @5 S! t6 t
18. 徐俊岭 京剧《穆桂英挂帅》选段 “一家人闻边报雄心振奋” u6 l( Y5 |+ q$ f3 q7 H* x
19. 温哥华京韵戏曲协会 合唱京歌《中国京剧》: W4 u# }' c, r! a6 x4 L' v
. B, \% E% e7 c" ?About Peking Opera
# z, p0 M2 P& Y) I' H4 {3 l7 K4 g7 K$ Z
Peking Opera is a form of traditional Chinese theater that originated in Beijing in the late 18th century. Compared to other types of Chinese theater, it is a relatively new style of drama, combining music, song, dance and acrobatics in a lively and colorful display.3 e* T7 g! H1 h! h. {& w
- u! i/ |$ f& {& P
The birth year of Peking Opera is commonly set at 1790, the year of the eightieth birthday of the Qianlong Emperor. Up until that point in the early Qing dynasty (1644-1911), the educated nobility favored Kunqu Opera, which was known for its elegant music and fine language. On the other hand, various styles of regional popular theater enjoyed by commoners were dismissed by the Chinese elite.
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That changed in 1790, when four seasoned drama troupes from Anhui province entered the capital to perform for the imperial court in celebration of Qianlong’s birthday. The occasion marked the first time regional popular theater was performed in Beijing. The four troupes later came to be known as the ‘four great Anhui companies,’ and together dominated Peking Opera for the next century.
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In the early years of Peking Opera, all the actors were men, with the roles of women played by young boys. The stories fell into two main categories – wen, or civil theater, which focused on love, marriage and other civilian concerns, and wu, or military theater, which revolved around the theme of war and was known for featuring thrilling acrobatic feats.7 N" t7 K4 ~5 n3 e' e/ \( d4 \
' ?- v/ P" ~' E4 E/ `9 Y+ Y$ L; I. f/ }4 `8 @9 Z. U
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