如果在加拿大境内递交渥太华,申请递交后又file number可以申请spouse open work permit- Y8 _: |' V6 i
1 e" Q# K1 L: e- |
可以续visitor record。visitor没有资格用Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan。需要拿到work permit才行
mmax 发表于 2016-4-9 11:08/ v v3 X5 B+ T9 h( B; y4 K
spouse open work permit没有雇主也可以申请吗? 大概得多长时间下来?
1 v1 C) Q9 e1 m) n% y' P
既然是"open work permit" 自然不要雇主。0 t: Z" f% {* y) ^; p: Z
+ i8 l+ T6 s: p. t8 u1 Y' t
需要满足的条件:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/dep ... ices/2015-12-11.asp g4 K5 [" d/ d' `
) g2 }+ u4 I7 U+ \- \- K6 ~
To be eligible for an open work permit, you must be a spouse or common-law partner living in Canada who is being sponsored under the Spouse or common-law partner in Canada (SCLPC) class. You must have valid temporary resident status (as a visitor, student or worker) and live at the same address as your sponsor. % z- x4 d8 T5 ^ . b& ]6 f# K2 O9 q4 q处理时间随时变化,CIC网站可以查最新的处理时间一般是2周更新一次