鲜花( 2)  鸡蛋( 0)
: ^/ ?4 g" R" A8 ]& J# F. p- h8 I5 A' `( t
位置:南门地铁站 200 米。 走路 5分钟。5 N- t3 z9 `0 q
7 h" V; O) P$ g* n1 T
: h3 h" m- k; ]6 x- f7 _2 ~( t
: }+ v+ E, f! D+ N# [! d包括:水电,暖气,扔垃圾,定期有人做卫生。洗衣,烘干免费。) G3 Y8 h/ M; |6 W+ a$ }
0 B3 c- b5 w3 S. F房间干净整洁,无烟,无异味。处于2楼位置,窗户朝向:东。7 ^+ P' ]7 n4 @+ E( b7 I
" K: ?7 L2 ^7 {. x9 E5 w室友:和善,作息规律,无人吸烟,大多为学生和年轻的专业人士。
% T% E- x) c8 `1 W0 P
3 g |& N( ^: s/ X p) Q其他:定期聚餐,组织滑雪,钓鱼等旅游项目。
! [: w7 N( P, s& ^' ^. I
3 E( q: Z1 h" E4 e7 E/ X鉴于其中一个房间的室友回国,现在诚招室友。* }% W5 S- e6 G" z: e
# V' s; m* j$ J- V/ Z! u T5 C请联系哦:hanwell 780937471. 短信或电话均可。
3 n( ^3 v, q: @4 P, Y( ]) j
4 t8 k' w. ^/ a房租费: 600) d3 c5 `- ^- |* Y- P( f( o
% x0 j1 W" M ]/ \# [2 Z: M* g+ ^1 Y7 b' G
6 v. I" z8 ]0 [/ b0 `5 E" ^
* b% P: \! ?! D( B" s
" I) H! `% e4 I
Roommate wanted for room near south gate mall. 0 a8 n' T; i, f! d! D
* A$ d1 d3 S9 f& gLocated near south gate mall LRT station.
3 U2 r% t+ t' {; L
- \. t" `$ v3 l$ J9 C# aEnvironment is NICE, very clean and very quite. No one smoke in the house. Parking is available.
* M1 Y- s5 Y7 D7 d9 m+ n$ ^; O3 J5 b' v( o+ c) p, u
INCLUDE: all electricity, water and heat. Garbage take out. Washer and dryer free of charge to use. The house is maintained by cleaner.( K* I3 V0 C% _. a. u; @2 {7 ]
7 H& ], j* r* {" H) a- ?
Roommates are nice: There are three girls and two guys live here. no smoking no pets. Everyone is either students or young working people.
' T: e# U) B$ c$ O- i. \0 R$ d
* |* a& i( z* g, s! `0 v, N( V UOthers: Occasionally will have diner party hosted, winter sport, summer fishing and boating.# F* j0 P: T7 A1 `8 O
Q' N1 z) I/ k8 O" g* OSince one of our roommate had gone China. We would like to look for another roommates to join our family.
2 j* x; M5 p% \/ e ]6 h3 s$ [" s# ]( h4 Z
Please contact me at 780937476. Message or Call
8 d) c6 [6 B* u6 v" z: |& u0 C' W
The rent will be 600, to be paid every start of the month. }; G7 [/ ]# }6 s! u' h u