一盎司饭 发表于 2014-7-22 09:13 2 j+ c0 X7 U, Y+ F X楼主说的可能是指旧房.
9 g1 A3 h1 S8 R% l9 S
Nothing wrong with Landmark. They've probably sold a lot of homes in Edmonton. Looks like customers are mostly satisfied with their purchase too (see above replies).
啸月 发表于 2014-7-22 11:13 * S0 Q# t7 [4 f& n! \" o$ F' Q
Nothing wrong with Landmark. They've probably sold a lot of homes in Edmonton. Looks like custom ...
# r' N( `) H6 wSame with Birkholz. They have also sold a lot of homes in Edmonton.