小tiger 发表于 2014-6-7 13:34 * t5 l9 A! M t0 w
谢谢。请问为何地下水会从车库里排出?买的二手房,不知道builder信息。。。。。。 6 r$ E' Z$ i8 c$ Y S3 O9 f另外有没有可能是冰箱 ...
4 y3 J& g8 v& e" f8 r! omay be the sump pump system was installed after basement flooding problem took place and not at the first hand during house construction, and for some unknown reason, they chose the spot where the wall between garage and the house is, possibly that may be easier to work at. This is only a guess, the real reason may be a mystery never understood. Water from the fridge will not be that much and no noise produced