鲜花( 159)  鸡蛋( 30)
本帖最后由 Outlander 于 2014-4-22 12:19 编辑 : {! S S' r( ]& o* V$ r4 h
5 z X; ?2 z8 C# P/ l
% k1 ?8 D; [. y# jKeystone Pipeline System
; K# P' r9 o. ]3 u FThe Keystone Pipeline System is a 2,639-mile (4,247-kilometre) pipeline system that transports crude oil from Hardisty, Alta., to markets in the American Midwest and the U.S. Gulf Coast. The Canadian portion of the pipeline runs from Hardisty east into Manitoba where it turns south and crosses the border into North Dakota. From North Dakota, the pipeline runs south through South Dakota and Nebraska. At Steele City, Neb., one arm of the pipeline runs east through Missouri for deliveries into Wood River and Patoka, Illinois; another arm runs south through Oklahoma for deliveries into Cushing and continues south for deliveries into Port Arthur, Texas.
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transcanada写明了整个 Keystone Pipeline System is a 2,639-mile (4,247-kilometre) pipeline system ,整体系统是4000多公里!!!!!
6 Y4 K8 @" D; Z7 r7 Q) ~. l transports crude oil from Hardisty, Alta., to markets in the American Midwest and the U.S. Gulf Coast, r+ W) C* G+ s$ I7 n' \
请问楼上的楼上大仙,要是KEYSTONE XL的系统不包括Gulf Coast pipeline,那原油是咋从Gulf Coast运的呢?莫非靠你在地上吹?; c5 R( a7 q+ m# p
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9 Q2 H$ [. m! g# b
http://keystone-xl.com/about/the ... l-pipeline-project/' ~$ W2 P; ^6 ~! O/ @" u( D, b
# O' ]% q6 X: {7 q官文,大字标题的About Project里紧接着Keystone overview后就是二级标题介绍About Gulf Coast Pipeline Project,莫非Keystone XL官方闲着没事把你所谓的无关的Gulf Coast Pipeline Project非要扯上介绍一番? |