鲜花( 29)  鸡蛋( 0)
1.“Registered Size” is the size of the condominium unit as registered through Alberta Land Titles and must be verified from the
/ m4 S$ g3 T8 e/ C+ U7 @Registered Condominium Plan. For Conventional Condominium Units, this size may include areas such as parking stalls,
) y9 D# z# k9 k- P8 Vgarages, below grade areas, balconies and storage areas. For Bare Land Condominium Units, this size is the land unit only.
6 z) j9 ~) {- y& }2 y8 g2. “Total Living Area”* K1 c: g8 e0 v) S
There are three components for calculating the Total Living Area for a Conventional Condominium Unit. They are: Main Floor3 @* G" D% t( r$ Y' b
Area (M), Upper Floor Area (U) and Above Grade Floor Area (A). The Total Living Area shall “only” include above grade
5 W6 [8 z1 E* H; m- ~& o! Cdeveloped heated living area.: m: @# s, m- j1 N8 w
+ z2 O% M1 v1 @% @% B3 A+ V6 ]5 }
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