Esso 发表于 2014-3-17 21:17 ' k9 }0 T9 Y5 G. K" O ... southwest-edmonton/& N8 f9 ?# L- u4 Q) q4 n ... /9291934/story.html - l! S. a$ U7 q# \4 s# K我的来自于俺同事,职位也就一省长/ u* p; @, H7 Z0 q) O / V" s/ ~+ u" U4 p I我不骗你,AMBLESIDE那个16年真的建不起来,虽然我也住AMBLESIDE.
( h* S/ D: x" C( y / W9 X9 b+ V! D3 [" ]1 g" U"On February 10, 2014, four news schools were announced for Edmonton. Two schools will be opening in WIndermere; a catholic school in Windermere North and a new Kindergarten to Grade 9 school in Ambleside. The Ambleside school will be benefitting as many as 1000 Edmonton Public School District students when it opens. The competition date is estimated to be Fall 2016." 3 J! P6 {) ~0 w8 G 0 F' }! [* |) n4 q出处:Ambleside 小区主页* G- p- B# Y. [6 k c6 E$ ^! {3 R9 Y6 Z+ _
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谁是在误导? P! C) q: ^- C+ Z. \" x9 z