I don't see anything particularly weird. : l0 |9 d: d3 A( W0 q: @. t
That looks like a water shutoff valve, it would be flush with the driveway surface after house construction finished.
ceramistpalace 发表于 2013-10-30 23:21 1 V0 U" U* j8 |$ a# ]
I don't see anything particularly weird. 9 _+ e0 v% e7 `5 u, g# nThat looks like a water shutoff valve, it would be flush ...
秋水长天 发表于 2013-10-30 23:52 4 F' N t- b* O0 u n: v+ O! g
8 T* f( L) s0 J `If the subdivision has higher grounds around and happens to be located in the way of underground waterway, the water table in the whole area is likely to be higher, not just one particular lot.
ceramistpalace 发表于 2013-10-31 17:20 ( \/ X! B9 B7 j' S/ R
If the subdivision has higher grounds around and happens to be located in the way of underground w ...
. _, n _% r5 l9 {5 K/ q0 D- \& E
俺英语差,看不太懂。能否汉语啊?谢谢 ! E5 f1 r1 r u" K" [: J 4 f% ^9 l" e# e& P6 `% _另外,这条街上所有的Lot基本上是一个平面,地势都比较低。