鲜花( 327)  鸡蛋( 0)

楼主 |
发表于 2013-3-6 15:58
本帖最后由 PTL 于 2013-3-6 16:03 编辑 4 O1 r9 t& ?& ^* C6 |
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The Government of Canada offers help to students in the form of tax relief. With the tax credit, you can:5 F) I' |% T: c$ X" m/ X( l( O
5 e4 {% j* l( M& n1 E2 b! u( @- Get a 15 percent tax credit on the interest you pay on your student loans each year.
2 C8 n6 I3 T* W' m" ^) N6 Z - The student loan tax credit allows you to deduct the interest that you pay on your student loans each year. This credit applies to interest payments you make on both your federal and provincial or territorial student loans, and the appropriate documents will be sent to you by mail for you to use when you file your taxes.
9 E8 W0 ^% ~& w4 e* o; C; U6 v - The credit does not apply to interest payments you may make on any loans held with a private lender, such as a student line of credit with a financial institution.; o) |, I# Y7 D4 L( L1 B# x
- Claim a full-time education amount of $400 for each whole or part month in the year in which you were enrolled in a qualifying educational program at a designated educational institution. c$ E2 Q3 E& [
- Claim a part-time education amount of $120 for each whole or part month in the year in which you were enrolled in a specified educational program at a designated educational institution.; P0 J% n7 R, E9 ~7 _2 ~
- Get a non-refundable textbook tax credit of $65 for each month you are enrolled in a course that entitles you to a full-time education tax credit.
) n2 V8 u: e" y7 q% N - Get a full tax exemption for all post-secondary scholarships and bursaries. You will still receive a T4A tax information slip, but if the scholarship or bursary relates to enrolment in a program that entitles you to the Education Tax Credit, then the amount does not need to be reported on your income tax return.$ s, c+ f( n8 s4 I% A# I
If you received a Canada Student Grant or Canada Access Grant in 2011, you will receive a T4A tax information slip (Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income) in the mail by March 9, 2012. If you have not received a T4A slip, if your slip is lost, destroyed or stolen, or if you need a duplicate slip, please contact the National Student Loans Service Centre.
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