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楼主: 人行明镜中

JMS有没有买人寿保险, 受益人写的是父母的名字?

鲜花(1005) 鸡蛋(11)
发表于 2013-2-24 10:31 | 显示全部楼层
量子风水 发表于 2013-2-24 09:54 ! d& q$ ~* |9 X7 Z
$ o8 B" _/ R4 X" k' E最好的保险 ...
) g) j/ n8 Y  r) w( Z
  W, W9 ]# H5 [! ~In china, I had the better experiences, almost all company no training me, they provided me some info,+ ~  ?9 d9 M& J
let me practice by myself. I have successful experiences, but existing failed histories.
8 z3 g3 D6 z. M$ v7 t2 Y5 Aboth risks and benefits following me sametimes, you must undertake the risks.
6 x* C7 X# }6 a. @& j; }: Nyour experiences and histories are the best rich.
鲜花(345) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-24 21:06 | 显示全部楼层
marie 发表于 2013-2-24 09:42
! h* u* H+ R' y( q! flast friday started to new work, first: Orientation, then HR lady gave me some papers, today, I am f ...
0 P2 f- Z  s6 P  {+ O8 p
鲜花(1005) 鸡蛋(11)
发表于 2013-2-24 21:37 | 显示全部楼层
sure! last tues interview, wensday, I got a call of HR, Thru I got an employment offer by e-mail, Friday started to work,afternoo went to calcary police service and applied for
% s+ A7 I- A( C0 ]& \- w7 nSecurity clearance report. This company is the more and more better than last small company. modern equipments and softwares, why not?1 h! f8 B' j2 x
If you are worried the risk, you never control your fate! If you design goal, keep go in, forward, go! not waiting!
鲜花(1005) 鸡蛋(11)
发表于 2013-3-2 08:55 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
人行明镜中 发表于 2013-2-24 21:06
& o5 V4 \! S1 y  r$ S9 j% v这么快就找到新工作了

2 M  d- K: ?: Z2 ]1 F) }5 Y/ pThis new company about 1 year, 4 companies together, 中国石化( maybe 中国石油) 51% 股份.
7 x) w: [8 x& d5 e+ h+ I- R: zlots chinese, but management all canadian. In new industry area, no more bus.
+ p* H  s( R: {# Y3 F9 x+ Z9 `Now, Chinese Gov will invest canadian oil and gas field step by step, there are many opportunities in Calgary. my position is very independant and  challenging, no more training, everything depending on your experiences.
% f; j3 Z4 G: J* ]: xSome one ask me how can you get these experiences? I answer: in china I had the better experiences.( |# f: t: @( _+ M: }, @
my English is very bad, no more local diploma, in china I only was a B.S degree of engineering, but some
9 E# x: Y% N3 F) jboss would like to hire me.+ X; \7 |2 s, a& Y
I want to know, why many chinese learning many diploma and degree, good English, but no more job.
5 _( Z: U: y8 w$ ZI don't understand.
( M' `7 ?9 l1 a$ u, C) ^& j8 ?- h! c' W# w( [! m

( I5 P$ l6 i! m- D, T) `
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
发表于 2013-3-2 08:58 | 显示全部楼层
marie 发表于 2013-3-2 08:55
3 d& z' U# J: |. Z9 gThis new company about 1 year, 4 companies together, 中国石化( maybe 中国石油) 51% 股份.
/ }) o) G) p# M) y0 X$ w" wlots chi ...

+ P5 Y9 D( Z! F1 [) K. E$ e' _实际上你已经回答了这个问题,工作经验比学历更为重要。
鲜花(844) 鸡蛋(29)
发表于 2013-3-2 09:17 | 显示全部楼层
有上进心的女性,象marie那样,才是世界上最有责任感的人。为什么marie不象其他女性那样,换一个又一个男人,而是多次伸出有力的手帮助一个反复反叛的人。不难想象,如果她不伸出手,另一个就可能不在人世了。  q7 _5 c" o9 r& v, b

% ?: |% T0 x7 D3 s5 s! F# ]不学别人那样堕落,适应加拿大社会,学好技能,是幸福的正道。虽然我没有进大学,但我跟着女儿学习从加拿大高中到大学的所有数理化课程,因为我要自学这些课程后才能教孩子。在爱城图书馆的所有电类及计算机类的书我都基本翻过,温故而知新,所以才可以无缝地与本地人在工程技术上的交流。
: @  o3 ?1 z8 ]2 g; R& B$ i这也是以实际行动,实现自己的观念,‘来到加拿大,只是万里长征走出的第一步’,要融入加拿大社会,还有漫长的路要走。
& u5 b2 t3 ^& ^  F( U2 u自己最安慰的,是孩子真正成长,有自己独立的观点,不再受人摆布,做什么事,都会想一想对不对,有疑惑的,都会征询我的意见。
鲜花(1005) 鸡蛋(11)
发表于 2013-3-2 09:26 | 显示全部楼层
量子风水 发表于 2013-3-2 09:17 ) x# _( C( P! L: i0 q3 @* T
有上进心的女性,象marie那样,才是世界上最有责任感的人。为什么marie不象其他女性那样,换一个又一个男人 ...

) {4 G# f! a) m换一个又一个 company!
( e# I+ C& t& R$ v* v7 d
鲜花(844) 鸡蛋(29)
发表于 2013-3-2 09:44 | 显示全部楼层
marie 发表于 2013-3-2 09:26 ' Q' U1 E3 b8 {: X  y% ~  c+ e
换一个又一个 company!

, T8 t( d% I2 _这也标志着没有什么公司可以真正摔掉你的,也是长期努力的回报。这种能力,是大多数中国男性移民都达不到。
! L5 z% ]' f4 ?% [对家人的爱,对孩子的爱,对父母的爱,是建立于自己的努力、为社会作贡献上。许多年青人没有想过父母,特别是独生子女,不想过如何发挥自己的专长,做有意义的事。来到加拿大,不想想自己怎样做,只想吃喝玩乐,这与帮助家庭富强是背道而驰,也是与父母团聚的努力是背道而驰,没有家庭的支持,怎样担保父母。: D. p; q" H3 E4 M' ~
鲜花(267) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-3-2 09:45 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(34) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-3-2 10:14 | 显示全部楼层
Yes, you're very good girl for your parents.
鲜花(1005) 鸡蛋(11)
发表于 2013-3-2 11:06 | 显示全部楼层
离婚后一直单身,是最明智的选择,摆脱了很多琐碎的家庭矛盾。而且自己是个很会“一个人玩儿”的人,女儿都working,亲人很nice,没有孤独感,I am happy I have nice parents, no more 七大姑八大姨,
' T" M+ n' S$ }' f0 V! m王智翔 case, reason: 七大姑八大姨.
. x! u* R& ~) @7 E( ^; h3 AYesterday bought a new camera, tomorrow will go to canmore.
, G; l5 Q0 J( X) l& z2 H$ d+ N换一个又一个男人, reason: cann't cover herself, depending on the man. I know some woman, when husband laid off, or sick, they left, if the husband get job again, they request to reunion, same as my EX. In chinese, when you have a job, other around you, when you lost the job, they avoid you.
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