鲜花( 1654) 鸡蛋( 51)
这个星期六如果天气好的话,我们一帮人又要照例我们每两周一次的集体远行。 L. y7 D6 P7 p
, @6 ^0 ^3 D: @$ O
这个星期六, Aug 25 我们准备去:Jurassic Forest at Gibbons.
/ g3 m- g& O i3 p/ G3 b! s. e" O$ M3 j5 z) d4 |
We are going to meet at the police station parking lot at 119 street and 38 Ave (close to Vernon Barford school) at 10 am. The last vehicle leave at 10:20am. 6 m- k& X1 A, V7 L# U' o. X
* z) ?# ~0 x# V* |$ W I
We are going to have picnic at the Jurassic Forest. So please bring your favorite foods for picnic and sharing with others.
9 T2 ?2 p/ A7 X4 d8 W( ]3 \( M4 y" l2 o) x3 |' \2 h1 w9 g) {7 |, M
The recommended driving route is through Anthony Henday. http://maps.google.ca/maps?hl=en&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&biw=1021&bih=733&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=jurassic+forest&fb=1&gl=ca&hq=jurassic+forest&hnear=0x53a0224580deff23:0x411fa00c4af6155d,Edmonton,+AB&cid=0,0,8308023472377842799&sa=X&ei=l0w0UPHOBYbgiALzz4HICA&ved=0CH0Q_BIwAA& z& P N% d* ]% p+ u1 N
% _* m' {0 M; v# Y4 R) w
- n+ I- k& w @4 j. CPlease note, the admission fee for the park is as follow:
1 d$ U3 q7 x0 @8 m1 M& Q8 z/ S5 J" S0 B S7 [9 o9 H( Y
http://www.jurassicforest.com/ to visit dinosaurs. The park in located in the town of Gibbons (54km north from Vernon Bradford school). The price is as follow:4 I P) F' `* t* t: _
! W. p; C9 Z- {# r* r+ \7 c, P: V+ {9 C
Daily Admission Prices (inc GST)
2 c2 y, W0 k. {/ }# G( {8 }9 O5 SChild (2-12) $8.00 ; G8 J! Q' N( P a# m' }! C
7 f# _7 M: y" J, D7 ~5 C% i9 l
Youth (13-17) $10.00 , p* m0 @$ f+ o' \+ X
Senior (60 up) $10.00 / w9 s7 O7 E& A8 e) L! n
Adult $14.00
3 B6 P) L* N j8 S3 G1 t2 UFamily (2 adults & 2 children) $40.00
3 h' I- Z# R; u( n2 L/ X* da group of 50 will have $1.00 discount for each person. There are picnic tables in the park.
1 M) H3 U, g" B+ q' f- R, e8 M7 \; z
" K% E, A! Y5 b: ]! ?
9 Z) X! J- x( i. Z8 _0 m/ P/ v4 U. @* p/ y# n
See you all on Saturday$ j2 U3 \& K: e! _
; L$ G0 p; [7 l