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辉煌 发表于 2012-8-19 17:49 8 M! k; X* \) |: {+ m
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但是如果细细追究下去,一毕业学校就有义务通知移民局你的毕业时间。 1 U l, E* |1 j2 @( P
这一点也不能太绝对。 CIC关于Off-Campus Work Permit的网站上有这么两段:
# t) C1 y5 O+ |1 _0 mTransition to post-graduation employment: Students who have completed all degree, diploma or certificate requirements and who are within the 90-day period allowed for transition to post-graduation employment will still be considered eligible to work off-campus, provided they are in possession of a valid study permit and a valid off-campus work permit.
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Implied status: Students who have completed their studies and have submitted an application for a Post- Graduation Work Permit, when they are in possession of a valid study permit and a valid Off-Campus Work Permit, may continue to work off-campus until a decision on their application has been made.
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如果我的理解没错的话,申请人够资格申请Post- Graduation Work Permit的,只要study permit和off-campus work permit都没有过期,就还可以用off-campus work permit继续工作最多90天,如果他们提交了Post- Graduation Work Permit的申请,在得到CIC的最终答复之前,只要原study permit和off-campus work permit还有效,他们就可以继续工作。$ a. i/ _2 g* W* Y3 z8 e
" [% J q0 \. m( u6 x* C {这样的话,这一段工作经验是合法的,又是在毕业之后得到的,基本符合CEC工作经验的要求,应该是可以计算在内的。CEC的工作经验要求里只有这一句(work performed under the off-campus work permit program or co-op work terms do not count), 由于以上两种情况的都没有明说这些经验是属于under off-campus work permit program,只是说可以继续work off campus,因此这些工作经验用来申请CEC应该是可行的。当然,就怕碰上个不懂行的officer非要较这个真,你也没办法,不过我觉得CIC内部应该会对此有个统一的意见,这种情况应该不是少数,CIC应该不会为了这点小事把那么多CEC申请人拒之门外,除非是CEC申请量太多了,他们想压缩。这个问题已经在好多论坛出现过了,而且有不少人打电话问了CIC了,他们不应该不知道,奇怪的是CIC一直没有对此给出明确的解释。 |