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2 Q. }" t; e) U8 T1 j# ?0 {. GA coalition of Alberta business groups is calling on the federal and provincial governments to work with industry to address labour shortages in western Canada.2 t- ~' O z- O3 ~
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"Every sector of the economy will be hit hard by a shortage of workers," said coalition spokesperson Richard Truscott, Alberta director of the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses./ Q* p8 @( f' a. P6 k
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“Governments and industry must work together quickly to explore opportunities to improve temporary worker and permanent immigration programs to meet the needs of a growing economy."7 n$ B3 ?* Y( l! o( [* I
9 L8 m3 x3 H3 W+ ^The Alberta government is forecasting there will be 114,000 more jobs than people to fill them in coming years, he said.
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This shortage of labour will slow economic growth, costing jobs and reducing government revenue, said business groups.
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The coalition is asking government to:
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b* b; f9 V$ `& l5 aChange the Federal Skilled Worker Program to place greater emphasis on labour demands.- T5 z6 L3 }5 |. K) F8 i# j7 l8 r
Make it easier for temporary workers to become permanent immigrants.- g1 [" h4 L X
Change National Occupation Codes to reflect employer needs and recognize a broader range of skilled positions.
/ U8 A) V2 H2 g5 kStreamline the Temporary Foreign Worker application and approval process.& |! y* Y; r; @! G" Y3 c
“What’s needed now is the recognition that we must aggressively recruit in international labour markets," said Tim Shipton, President of the Alberta Enterprise Group.
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; M2 g+ F3 x" z: k s( F" r5 V"We need to recognize that we are competing not just with the United States, not just with western Canada, we are competing globally for a small pool of skilled workers out there so we need the system to become much more responsive and streamlined to the needs of the economy, he said.
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The Alberta government agrees the cap on immigrant workers allowed to come to the province needs to be much higher, said Shipton.5 q* F# X( U. E: q! ^4 U; L
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Currently the federal government has set the cap at 5,000 workers, while Alberta wants the number raised to 10,000.
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"We will be more successful in this effort if the federal and provincial governments make the necessary changes to help employers gain access to the human resources we need,” Shipton said.* k$ |% ~ y: t' r0 G3 V+ J