本帖最后由 yuba 于 2012-1-11 18:59 编辑 - }, z0 w' \( d4 N
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如题. % g3 S: O* o, @4 P8 f1 |" o5 NCanadian Income Tax Act With Regulations, Annotated 90th Edition for sale. Asking for $50. Please call at 780.604.5708 or email: sdperryh@hotmail.com.; ^' [9 E4 r0 F
. ~: E2 {- [8 C+ f6 F! F' y+ h 2 R1 Y- n' L! h$ P7 N' @Please notice that the 91th edition is a French edition. The 90th edition was used in last semester (Fall of 2011). There is no much difference between 90th and 92th editions. It is just some tax rates changed.