本帖最后由 kingbird71 于 2012-1-7 08:35 编辑 # h4 {- i/ r9 V* a$ P% C + z" P3 u$ `0 jYou should also make a Lump sum payment before discharge asap if you have free savings, because mortgage outstand balance reduction will reduce penilty base amount.
few things you can do. if you really dont wanna pay for the penalty $4100, then go back to CIBC, it's part of their fault, why, they should have waited for the payout statement from Scotia before they started your application. so you shoulnt be resonsible for the legal fee. to be honest, they could waive it anyway. Other than that, I dont see any point you could aruge with CIBC. However, if you are very attracted by the 2.99, they just go to your home branch with Scotia, tell the branch manager you are mis informed. and see if you they could backdate for you. if not, they see if they could offer you 2.99 to keep your business their.- D2 O- T: C+ C
hope it helps
just go back and tell them that you going to complain to the national office that they are indicating that you are lying. and it's their fault not to keep any record of conversation. which branch is that?