HA has too many Chinese kids. Sometimes you don't need to speak English at school except during class. It is not a good language environment to a newcomer who wants to improve their English. However, because HA has lots lot Chinese kids, you can easily socialize with people from your own country. You have to balance this by yourself. 3 E) z' u" ~5 T
In terms of ESL class, pay attention to UofA entrance requirement. You need to finish LA30-1 to get in University. If your English is still OK for class use, ESL might no be a good choice.
Ester_Ruth 发表于 2012-2-15 10:23 1 G, N! u; ?- Q& L. }HA has too many Chinese kids. Sometimes you don't need to speak English at school except during clas ...
Well, for children stay here long enough, they prefer to speak English. For new comers, it is totally depend on your personally. If the child think speak English was too difficult, there are enough Chinese children in school CAN speak English.