Domino’s Pizza Canada: 50% Off Your Entire Online Order *December 8* ; J- A1 X2 ^: K d: v3 L4 L- s" C+ Y1 N6 m- N) _9 F. Y
4 A' K8 q" g1 ~8 y0 f) \ 6 q# Y6 Z# A' p0 y& x ZDomino's Pizza Canada is offering 50% off your entire online order. Here is the fine print from their Facebook webpage:" `$ r, C9 V$ j" e% F7 i9 \
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"On December 8 we are going to celebrate Global Domino's Day with the largest pizza party on Earth and you get to participate. Online only. Offer valid for 50% off your pizza order when you order online at menu price. You must ask for this limited time offer. Delivery charge and tax may apply. Prices, participation, delivery area and charges may vary."