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星期五美联储主席Bernanke说,今年夏天美国政府就债务和消费的斗争造成了市场混乱,也造成了经济混乱。他说应该采用更好的方法来做经济决定。" }. F" t5 O& w
4 [+ D- n9 `! N4 Y9 b6 ]Bernanke说,他对美国长期的经济增长持乐观态度。Bernanke没有提到任何新的经济救助计划。
& V3 y' g# L6 N M3 A* Y. w5 tBernanke 警告说,美国政府大概成为经济新增长的最大的障碍。* t5 u/ K* b0 e ?2 T
- U: r, \2 K' u4 FJACKSON HOLE, Wyo._ — The Federal Reserve chairman, Ben S. Bernanke, said Friday that the political battle this summer over the federal government’s borrowing and spending had disrupted financial markets “and probably the economy as well.”
+ f, U' R) c& R/ D) aIn remarks that went well beyond his previous calls for Congress and the White House to address the nation’s long-term fiscal challenges, Mr. Bernanke suggested the process itself was broken.
* y% Q4 e5 b2 M3 t& G% ~+ B“The country would be well served by a better process for making fiscal decisions,” he said.. h; D2 A; n3 W8 i
6 d7 o8 M* X( UMr. Bernanke said he was “optimistic” about the long-run prospects for the American economy, and he gave little indication the Fed was mulling any increase in its economic aid programs, although he said the issue would be revisited in September.
1 k t3 `0 m" Q' _' I% a! t
' Y4 _2 P$ m* jBut Mr. Bernanke, the nation’s most prominent economist, warned that the government had emerged as perhaps the greatest threat to renewed growth.
: b0 d" L: @& J* S5 x“The quality of economic policy-making in the United States will heavily influence the nation’s long-term prospects,” Mr. Bernanke said in the much-anticipated speech at a policy conference held each August at a resort in Grand Teton National Park. |