鲜花( 47)  鸡蛋( 0)
Service Canada Centre for Youth8 G0 f- d; P( B9 B9 l
55-9700 Jasper Ave2 g, Y; N- c! b+ R+ Q8 H
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C1
1 N8 K1 }! W5 v' o8 u' z; O/ V) `3 ^( P$ n2 v* v( ?
Phone: 780-495-2070
, V& b& h2 M, S, v0 AE Mail: sccy-cscj.edmonton@servicecanada.gc.ca
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6 k: v' T+ |5 p6 kDear Sir/Madam,3 \- R. l$ U% Y% T, Z! k
6 |9 B( f: B* y# N* K, z% j. L$ f9 q7 y
Edmonton’s Service Canada Centre for Youth (SCCY) offers a variety of services for students including assistance with resume and cover letter writing; interview preparation; as well as information about job search strategies, career planning, and the labor market. As a service of the Government of Canada, we are committed to helping the youth of Edmonton gain the skills and confidence they need to get started in their job search. Some of our services include online job postings specifically for students, one-on-one consultations to help with résumés and interview skills and, of course, fun and informative school presentations.
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We would like to take the opportunity to invite you to book a free presentation with us! Our presentation topics include SCCY services, job search skills, résumé and cover letter writing, Alberta labour standards, job safety, and Summer Business Savvy. All presentations can be tailored to meet the needs or requirements of your organization. We are also pleased to offer free information kiosks. Two members of our team could come to your organization and set up a display (indoors or outdoors) during various events to provide your clients with valuable reference material and information.
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: e1 ^# i4 D$ G) }& yIf you have any questions or inquiries feel free to contact us by email at sccy-cscj.edmonton@servicecanada.gc.ca or by phone at (780) 495-2070.. D4 N5 G; q; a7 e0 S
8 p9 {' o3 o1 N5 E* T7 I: Q* E
: {; v. f* L; G. a: ~/ Y
Sincerely," h6 Q w3 n- X1 W
Raheem Aziz$ ^3 @$ E! t5 m7 F) r4 A/ i' M% h
Youth Services Officer - Presentations
0 [% m' K! \9 j# ]. [/ I& E4 lService Canada Centre for Youth, Edmonton
6 s( B! \" S4 ]: g/ w/ f' u( O' _9 I8 Z
% [+ {" _3 r+ x5 f0 MAbout Service Canada Centre for Youth+ r9 v2 N- R: _) }6 s& j
' }- M" N) ]3 k( x$ m) g) K1 W2 J% K• Service Canada Centres for Youth (SCCYs) offer a variety of services for students, including assistance with résumé and cover letter writing, interview preparation, job search strategies and information about career planning and the labour market.
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• As a service of the Government of Canada, we are committed to helping the youth of Edmonton gain the skills and confidence they need to get started in their job search. These services are available on a one-to-one basis within our Centre or as presentations. We can make presentations on the following topics or any combination of topics in both French and English: SCCY services, Résumé and Cover Letter Writing, Job Search Strategies, Summer Business Saavy, Canada Student Loans, Interview Skills, and Alberta Labour Standards and Job Safety. We will tailor our presentations to the specific needs of your students. |