It is a male Maltese which is about 4 months old. His mother is a Maltese-Lhasa and his father is a pure Maltese. He is about 6.5lb (3kg). All vaccinated. He is lovely and does not bark a lot. He is trained in PetSmart so really well behaved. Price can be discussed and all pet productions are included such as food, bowl, ped, toy and traveling case/kennel. Due to room mate has allergy on fur also the apartment which I am going to move in does not allow me to keep it, I need to find him a home as soon as possible. Hope the one with good heart can give him a lovely warm 3 K- t& g0 `8 q
new home. I will be very appreciate. thXD. 主要是急于帮他安排好所以价格可以谈赠送全部吃喝玩乐的东西