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Creating Hope Society is recruiting for Project Coordinator
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3 j( n9 }, j2 u( R( I* `9 _Creating Hope is recruiting for a part-time TO a full-time project coordinator for the Aboriginal Mothers Project. If you wish to join an already made team and have these requirements please submit a cover letter and resume. Only those applicants meeting the requirements will be contacted for interviews.* b( @, X! F+ O2 K; S
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Position Summary, v6 v% `" [3 h1 X2 j# n4 @& e9 @
Under general direction of the Executive Director, the Project Coordinator serves as a team) J1 p$ a- W! t2 K( G' w8 ?
player, supervisor, mentor, guide, develop and coordinate the program called “Aboriginal
5 b9 A D% g# SMothers Advocacy Project” (AMAP).7 ?& E; a A+ O+ w1 b
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To assist for the development of program: train staff, development of project plan, support groups, focus groups, assessment tool for clients, develop an intake form, develop a consent form, release and share information forms, develop filing system, develop a schedule for telephone intakes, home visits and develop other project, and other tasks that you see fit.
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Job Qualification! w3 V# W5 H4 W& N
Must possess a Degree in Social Work or Human Services
1 U' _$ }* z1 F' DMust be knowledgeable of Aboriginal people’s history (Residential School and 60’s
& H8 b: @" u: m$ R% t) xSchool)+ B1 r+ T; D* r* M1 s; \) R' z2 F+ j
Must have supervisory experience
4 Q, M Q: m+ B/ kMust understand the child welfare, justice and legal system# K8 ]% g$ y8 o) q$ y# c4 S
Must be computer literate' x* R: o5 t! l' B9 x6 C
Must present criminal record check, child welfare check, $2 million liability and abstract.
1 m7 z0 p: g e" K7 T/ YMust possess knowledge of Aboriginal agencies and network
\* g+ ]5 E" |, N' h( gMust possess a well developed communication and organization skills
; T7 B/ b, M1 E. HMust possess a well developed interpersonal skills and ability to work with an already
7 x- o4 M( u$ y) Y* ] N* ]establish team.
2 i" R2 C& w8 D8 n+ ^7 u
1 l8 i* m/ ?$ g+ a9 n2 sWages according to qualification and experience
( i- B7 `2 y# CDeadline: April 26th, 2011 4:00pm* @/ U: W4 Q$ L% N% l' m. P
www.creatinghopesociety.ca- `; }' N# r, K" H
Please submit by email a cover letter and resume to1 ~/ ]7 f- V3 P6 U; C, [5 @( ^
9 s' ~5 Z9 j/ B) M- m4 ^$ J( W0 S3 oAtt: Bernadette Iahtail, Executive Director NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. |