鲜花( 154)  鸡蛋( 1)
Jelschen Foods Ltd. o/a Sobeys located at 4501- 50th Ave., Bonnyville, AB requires 1 meat cutter a.s.a.p. $17.50/hr, Perm., F/T 40hrs/wk. Medical benefits, dental benefits, disability benefits and bonus available. Experience an asset. Must be available anytime. Cut, trim, and otherwise prepare standard cuts of meat, poultry, fish and shellfish; grind meats and slice cooked meats using powered grinders and slicing machines; shape, lace and tie roasts and other meats, poultry or fish and wrap prepared meats, poultry, fish and shellfish; and prepare special displays of meat, poultry, fish and shellfish. Fax: (780) 826-6429. Must quote reference code: MTSOBEY |