; X# v/ R' f1 J" |% }请问您是从那家银行拿到的,好低啊!!谢谢啦% q2 S( X8 v7 `. Y
yanson 发表于 2011-3-29 22:05
$ k0 A2 Q5 d8 c- K/ c6 Y9 E
# A- N8 \+ ~7 G9 P/ x" i$ H, ^ / s# s/ ?# Z; L: h0 x; cI haven't moved in to the new home yet. But during the process to negotiate the rate, I have got various rates and that one seems to come from Samson Guo. You can try to contact him. TD might be another choice.
各位想要咨询关与各种贷款利息与条款方面的最新消息可以联系我: ( W$ e; u2 B4 X' i
; b' e) N M Q! D4 M( D. G) j. t
Larry Zhang ' k8 Q1 I# H# t2 t& |( S& OTel: 780-758-4847 ext 209* L8 r0 x+ k; i- R
web: www.larrymortgage.com1 s0 T K; Y7 f( f4 u
Company: The Mortgage Vault Inc.