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[招聘信息] The Coordinator of the Multicultural Coalition

鲜花(47) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-3-11 12:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Multicultural Coalition
4 h$ o% I. E' EThe Multicultural Coalition is an organization that has engaged emerging
* \* H+ b: L  ]' e2 Iimmigrant and refugee communities in enhancing the communities’ organizational1 Z# N1 O. r' n% q( k6 \$ Y$ x6 ?
capacity, facilitating partnership development, implementing communitydeveloped4 E! Q2 c" @9 q4 r2 T) L9 C) p$ S
advocacy strategies and civic engagement through community( d0 I3 }/ o5 `. T  j" I% {
animation. Please visit our website at www.multiculturalcoalition.ca for more
4 |7 R! o9 S0 ?4 t& Q/ Ainformation.: m2 d' e$ t, {4 Z* q$ s% X

: m* U, W/ _. K2 rThe Coordinator of the Multicultural Coalition+ `1 Q2 `2 t/ k# Y# {
Roles and Functions
& L6 F3 C) Z9 e) W6 M) g1 ?4 }7 FThe Coordinator is responsible for the over-all management and operations of the
  u; X# L- J; X! \9 M1 d2 w/ N  eorganization. The Coordinator defines the objectives, policies and goals for the7 q. C! i6 }* `. ^( e3 \! J
operations of the organization staff within the general board policies. He/she has
! J' V% y. _# \/ K0 A9 a4 t  Y  Ythe important responsibility of accurately reporting on financial progress,
5 M4 |( m7 y6 @1 d4 {8 r, `/ D  yoperational concerns, organizational problems and accomplishments at regular
& {# B. P) `* h/ {8 {2 _; w& ]board meetings. Short-range planning is the responsibility of the Coordinator and is! B( y& y# j0 n
conducted within the policy guidelines of the board. The Coordinator is an
; q2 o' T4 N9 v9 Hemployee of the board and therefore should not be part of the board which hires; {; B, h) X' L/ P$ a* [
staff and sets their salaries. However, the Coordinator should be required to attend" u) l! d( ^1 c
all board meetings and be an active, nonvoting participant.6 f/ F+ ?) P" }+ r

5 J" W. T5 J. D4 Y7 N" {7 ~+ mFunctions and responsibilities:
/ W, q0 `1 P' J3 @- ?8 i7 [The specific functions of the coordinator include the following:/ h! n( K+ x6 I! p  T" I  a
1. Provides over-all coordination of Coalition activities in consultation with the( g/ M' ]! _) b) I3 b% _
officers of the Coalition; G1 \# ^, s, R, h
2. Builds and sustain relationships and partnerships with ethnocultural  o# p1 d; j! B$ R& _) p4 r/ F
organizations, immigrant and refugee communities, voluntary organizations8 H* g: }( m- F  ~" l
and public institutions
/ J7 H; n, g2 `5 U, D$ ^3. Seeks opportunities to ensure sustainability of the organization through6 J; O1 ^0 \7 A4 |- O
funding opportunities and maintaining initiatives
6 e, |: W* M% U+ {7 e4. Liaise with funders, public and non-profit organizations and community: K+ s" d6 J5 u5 [( c6 b$ @
organizations as well as the media and build strategic relationships with; J; |# e" w! w4 P& o
these organizations
  O7 Q$ n. V) P/ R) ]5. Promotes transformative leadership among formal and informal community
/ \8 G8 |, {5 f" B& O; bleaders
: o% e. ~, U+ o' P7 t2 d( v2 w6. Advances the community animation process as a bridging strategy for civic
% p0 m- y6 u% I* C4 Aparticipation of ethnocultural communities with the larger Canadian society
( \; ?0 O0 r9 M( b7 v+ h7. Offer opportunities for service providers to learn and experience working$ E% Y& _% A8 M: Z1 Z1 y
with groups and communities with culturally, ethnically and linguistically
* D/ x0 s  b- P( z( ldiverse backgrounds- l% K$ X( a$ O4 |) j: k. |

( C1 b" W( z+ ~4 hAdministrative responsibilities:2 l7 V: X. P8 Y( ]- c& e7 `! e
1. Maintain an adequate bookkeeping and accounting system; provide for its. h2 w6 m  ~$ m( u$ p. b
regular examination by competent outside auditors, selected by the board of6 V7 _8 U; X, K- P
directors, and at the regular annual meeting, present a statement to the6 m! M- K5 K$ z8 K) w' D7 T: P! ?
members of the Coalition’s financial condition.8 X. ]- V/ o. c
2. Recruits and hires staff for programs and other initiatives of the
1 ]! x, j  m4 G, |* H' @& E" xMulticultural Coalition% n" g" C# {6 h, P3 T3 m( R
Relationship of the Coordinator to the Board
' ]9 `; U& a$ t4 M; y' S( MAll operating decisions, employing and supervising personnel, choosing ways to
& Z0 G' {- B5 O/ ^9 }+ \implement policies, planning the Coalition’s day-to-day activities, and coordinating
7 q: X! r6 A4 h) R+ L( q! c2 `9 Voperations are a part of the Coordinator’s responsibility.
  u8 J+ T! ~1 TThe Coordinator shares some responsibilities jointly with the board, such as longrange planning. The Coordinator usually provides the initiative and then assists the board in decision-making. The purpose, future directions, broad basic policies, and
% G2 }8 w( i+ p4 i+ U5 P; |- raims and objectives of the organizations are decided upon by this process. It should
( x+ I% i9 q2 ]: n  kbe noted that the board members make the policy decisions guided by membership, s/ W% y* r2 c3 b8 j
participation and the Coordinator should confine his or her activities to helping and
# _2 |3 R7 W# P6 G! Pfacilitating this process with the Board. The Coordinator attends all board of
- R  `/ F: c- b- }8 p% M* q( ]; Edirectors' meetings and make available a business report and a monthly financial
. W/ b& N" }  o& x" x% X) |statement as a minimum requirement. She/he brings to the board's attention all
$ v5 g' v; l6 w+ R. O- xmatters requiring board consideration and action. She/he confers with the board of
% L0 }9 v0 V) Y) {  kdirectors on the development of new policies and appraises the effectiveness of
, N' `1 G4 @2 u9 k5 a  y- ?5 i3 Apolicies already adopted
( @/ j) S- U, {7 X, W3 N  c$ J( K& V. m$ g2 @3 k" c
Key Competencies & Qualifications
7 U; S. C) k# l0 d/ L3 r" a) T7 E1. Intercultural sensitivity, flexibility and an understanding or appreciation/ _4 T. S6 M. T3 y: F
for the complex dynamics of emerging immigrant and refugee
: A: t$ u; a+ S% P+ H2 q# [+ G# ccommunities
0 y- B* [- y4 {3 `% H2. Leadership and critical thinking skills to bridge the needs and struggles
% c1 `/ h( e! nof immigrant and refugee communities with the interests and mandates  w7 O9 \" K: r! R4 e6 @
of funders, policy-makers, agencies and other decision makers
; a' {, T" i2 N4 T2 G3 ?% I* N3. Experience in writing grant proposals and accessing funding
2 g* x& a# q! h6 o1 q) T: Aopportunities
7 \* \% z" y0 P1 X/ i6 f4. Experience in administrative work with a proven ability to multi-task and& t! P$ j1 a; K' F
( u5 o& T1 B+ z' ]+ m5. Facilitation skills and ability to design, develop and deliver workshops an
; r6 Y2 L7 Z3 M* B; N, Casset5 K8 P* d: p. T! b+ ^
6. Public speaking skills. Media relations skills an asset
0 l& J% n' T$ i; S1 e. P7. Community based research skills is an asset  Z/ F$ Z  J+ M+ U
8. A diploma or degree in Social Work, the Social Sciences, Public Health, or
2 v! V5 D; H2 G/ n3 a5 K$ u# Kany related field is desired
8 F' V, ^  H/ I9. A minimum of 2 years experience in project management at the4 J8 ]4 `4 L" \
community level1 l, g# t" V# Z, {
10. Excellent computer skills using Microsoft Office (World, Excel and Power' `3 `4 P$ k+ s0 p" ]* p
Point) and internet% F! b5 G% i1 ?! @

+ ]. @" W3 A" n* [1 w+ _. x" f! VPay Range & Terms
- ~, ]# ^4 c$ k# CThis is a 9-month contract starting April 11, 2011 to December 31, 2011, with) ^. W2 W; C* j% ~) b0 Q+ {
possible extension depending on funding.
6 S& f; o: M. N; M& ]. H4 G; [Salary: Negotiable; commensurate with experience) r9 f# U, w- t3 C( E
Employment Start Date: April 11, 20114 m2 D* c; V+ l: ^' }3 Q4 q
A minimum of 30 hours per week+ X2 N) t& N% i0 m2 K( n4 i" l* f

. o; |, ~; o- j% uIf you are interested in applying for this position, please send your resume and: n$ ~  _) m5 [. V0 X
cover letter by Friday, March 25th, 2011 5:00 pm to:
3 C: R7 ^4 b/ i5 t. u, Mmulticulturalcoalition@yahoo.ca and kindly quote “Coordinator Position” in the
: O9 d  H3 Z" h) |$ S  r4 D' Isubject line. Please indicate your salary expectations in the cover letter.
! o3 r6 o! z2 T5 M6 G( e  [$ ]. rWe sincerely thank all applicants for their expressed interest in this opportunity;1 Y0 U) @8 l4 `( d$ e* g- q
however those selected for an interview will be contacted.
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