The english here is horrendous% k+ Y- O3 N5 G$ P( a( g9 G
In my opinion, we should learn the way of western people think and they do. Capitalist society is different from the socialist one at all. 7 t' t, }# L$ @6 ~( A# [) p2 u$ L$ ^8 _/ a # g+ M- D1 s- g3 qFirst of all, they pay you money because they believe you ...2 N; f% D% @& Q, b% Y6 f0 _
Yongpo_ma 发表于 2011-2-1 17:07
我认为双方都有错。1、楼主既然没有工卡,就不要去打现金工,这样属于违法行为;此外,你口口声声说不在乎那点钱,那么还打这份工干嘛?难道搬家有利于积累工作经验?还不是冲着赚点生活费去的。2、雇主也很不讲理,无论如何,都应该支付对方应有工资,用错人那是你的事情,也可以说是你管理不善导致的。 " z9 S' { y3 k; x F |6 f7 e至于看到楼上说拿起法律武器,我只能说这属于两败俱伤的办法,学生打黑工也会受到相应的处罚。
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You may help those big companies to deliver flyers or newspaper. They must pay money for you. You do not need to have SIN card.