本帖最后由 小熊之家 于 2010-12-20 12:16 编辑 4 Y1 j8 J* M% K/ ~6 @. M2 g' b& s . Z9 b9 G' [& x( k' H: g0 @The U-Pass is non-transferable and may only be used by the Student to whom the U-Pass is issued; (http://www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/u-pass/termsandconditions.cfm)( @" h4 m1 n1 C
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U-Pass转让相关帖子一律移往回收站。发同类帖第二次者提交执法版主处理。 / [2 ?- O0 w! J; F( b) J0 E+ c6 B8 r: f7 w3 A7 r8 i- b, M* Y7 m/ \