鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
Family members and former classmates have identified the two teens struck and killed by an LRT train south of the Coliseum station Tuesday night as Jamie Kootenay and Delia Papastesis, both 19.
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. \4 |' T) p/ r4 w5 a3 lThey were hit by the train just after 8 p.m. Kootenay died at the scene. Papastesis was trapped under the train, and emergency crews spent almost an hour trying to free her. She died in hospital.
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4 m7 a7 N3 d% f5 r"I saw her yesterday," Papastesis's sister Janice Randhile said between sobs. "I saw both of them yesterday. She was so happy. I just couldn't believe that this is happening ... It's just not fair. She's just too young."
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5 n+ @& A- Z& s$ `/ e. U; K7 uRandhile joined friends and family to lay bouquets of flowers beside the track where her sister died. Another sister, Jennifer Lake, saw Papastesis hours before the tragedy. 8 }$ G! O0 V2 {: z
& ~. X, D9 V- Y
"She was walking her little dog," Lake told CBC News while visiting the scene Wednesday. "She looked so happy. I never stopped to say hello, but I didn't think that was going to be the last time I'd see her again. 7 J2 p+ o7 f8 ?8 [. U
1 ~9 L$ @: V9 o& z4 ]
"She's a really kind-hearted girl. She had a lot of love for everybody. I'm sure going to miss her though. ' m0 P/ Q* b6 B7 b# N# b O' T
6 F# y1 K! O2 V D% C
"I think she was just at the wrong place or the wrong time. "
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! A( ]2 e) f) d9 L* }, I7 Z# `Both Papastesis and Kootenay were former students at Amiskwaciy Academy, a school for aboriginal students near the City Centre Airport, said an Edmonton Public School Board official. 3 p4 q2 x# L8 A2 s
4 _5 q7 T4 A; H; {& G! r0 O
Papastesis was a recent graduate while Kootenay attended the school in the past. The two had been dating for two years. 1 D- u* `9 i$ w5 S- I: Z/ g* A }
3 G, I# R& T3 H7 B. V
"If you were in a relationship, you would be inspired to be like them," said Jessica Johnson, a former classmate at the school.
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The school is grieving, Johnson said.
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"It's hard because it's kind of like a community there — like I said, it was like my home there," said Johnson. "I feel like I lost some great family." 1 y% ]; Z4 U; F G- t
# _6 T7 n/ _# C
Teachers informed students about the tragedy when they arrived Wednesday morning. Grief counsellors were on hand to help out. ( F7 j$ J/ s7 L+ h" m* h* H0 C1 a
+ g" t& {3 E% D; c% R6 i+ S"It's sad," said Johnson. "Everyone is down. Teachers are just putting on movies because no one wants to do work. People are crying. It's hard to be around." % I! ?; S r, q4 H2 L+ Z
! r0 x0 F+ p2 J" cAppeared couple was fighting
2 D% n+ J+ K' |3 ]; `+ K3 {' H1 @/ f% O5 H5 s0 K
Police said six young adults were walking east of a marked LRT crossing at 82 Street and 113 Avenue, when Kootenay and Papastesis began running in the direction of the tracks.
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The pair were hit by the train. Emergency services responded after a 911 call from the LRT operator. Witnesses said it looked as though the two were fighting. " j9 k. @# N ~( g$ n
, n7 A$ p1 W, k7 R) J5 O
Brittany McLeod was driving by when they almost ran into the woman. ( T4 a9 n" A+ Z2 a. G1 ^
1 q* O$ A' H" L- {7 L
“We almost hit her with the car, and then they took off,” she said. 1 j2 ~- K3 o z+ u, ~, D
0 R: h: |4 M y C( K, qMcLeod thought the woman was being chased.
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“Like they were running,“ she told CBC News at the scene. “There were kids there. There was a girl. She just dropped to the ground and started punching, and, I don’t know, they were fighting." ) M: X* [8 m- _- {( E/ {) q
5 r3 N9 z, P5 X G: o8 _Friends were angry at media reports suggesting a man was seen holding a woman down on the tracks just before the train's arrival. Homicide detectives have been called in, but police are not calling the incident a crime.
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"Jamie wouldn't hold down Delia like that," said Nolan Shone, who was in the group of people walking with the pair at the time of the incident. * t) ~- n3 y0 a
1 Y5 U' m$ |* e/ b' F. ^
Shone, who was friends with the two since Grade 8, said he was turned the other way when the pair was hit. When he ran to the train, he saw Kootenay's body underneath. 1 a: n, K$ X8 R/ {
: H* H& x, h6 e
"I think they just bolted in front of the train," Shone said. "Just unlucky."
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Shone said Kootenay and Papastesis were both caring people.
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( F0 P0 q' K( \/ _; C0 g7 D"They're loved," he said. "They're not going to be replaced. They're going to be missed."
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Police took the other people in the group to the downtown station for interviews, said EPS spokesman Chad Orydzuk. " t& T. h% b+ T! U9 P+ u
; j$ m! G5 z4 L, `
About 50 passengers were on the train at the time. None were hurt. They were moved to a second train and taken to Clareview station. LRT service was suspended between Coliseum and Churchill stations.
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" M6 `7 Z& P) C6 H& RAutopsies are scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. ; x7 }7 ~# p9 q/ [5 H/ b9 ?# }5 Z
* x7 {' K8 M' O( y& p
The most recent fatality involving an LRT train was a man in his 30s who was killed Oct. 1, 2008, near 92 Street and 106 Avenue. |