埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(1394) 鸡蛋(16)
发表于 2010-10-4 16:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  s/ M0 W+ H& ~+ A" t6 b; I  K- j6 L7 N
                            ——9月市场平稳,消费者静观其变6 A& R8 U% I; I6 y  i+ A

7 S8 A' v0 ~: R" H; s3 a& V本文来源于http://www.ereb.com/MarketActivity/LatestMarketAnalysis.html,中英文有异议之处请以英文为准。
' c% u6 X0 Q' e% W- M# K( A# C) k5 e* U; y+ {3 [
$ H# t6 L6 Z* x0 h$ ~: T4 w  x% h  C
“市场好像正在休整期”,埃德蒙顿房地产经纪协会主席Larry Westergard表示,“在经历了过去几年的震荡,买家疯狂抢购的非理性期之后,消费者们现在显得理智和冷静,静观下一步的市场动态”。目前,市场仍有8,600个单元待售,买家有足够的选择空间。" c; _' i0 Q1 c- _- \. r; x

$ M, y$ {- C, p9月份,独立屋的平均价格为$370,653;而康兜(Condo)的价格,在连续四个月下降之后开始反弹,均价为$238,822,升高了近1%,但仍然没有达到4月份拐点的小高峰$252,728;丢普莱克斯(duplex)和排屋(rowhouse)的成交均价为$313,462,下降了11%,但是这类房型的总成交量小,代表性差,所以每月波动很大;而各类房型的成交均价为$326,499,较上月下降了近0.25%。
/ d: L# k+ ^' S% f& ]5 F, |% G. ?1 h( m
! N5 S3 s, y) X; ^. d! R9 I! ^, g
4 W# w$ O! h+ `. v% f) J8 G2 R“第三季度的市场活动,与第一季度相比几乎没有什么变化”,Westergard说,“第三季度成交量较第二季度有所回落,但仍然好于第一季度的水平,这显示了上半年的市场充满活力,深受宏观经济形势走强的感染,同时也受到了加息的威胁。”& S; E" F/ ?( ]9 B' ]6 L) P
. ^0 Y! W+ X3 a0 S+ k( m
September 2010 activityRecord for' Z' B0 n( {  c2 D6 m: W8 i
                the month*
% change from: M* B* m# V5 j$ _
                September                2009
Total MLS® System sales this month1,379-27.30%
Value of total MLS® System sales - month$450 million-26.50%
Value of total MLS® System sales - year$4.94 billion-11.50%
Residential¹  sales this month1,187-23.20%
Residential average price$326,4990%
SFD² average selling   price - month$370,6530.70%
SFD median³ selling   price$348,0000.55%
Condo average selling price$238,822-3.10%
          ¹. Residential includes SFD, condos and duplex/row houses.
7 H2 ^/ x% V0 x. b% {². Single Family Dwelling
' t. B8 o# F& a& v/ t³. The middle figure in a list of all sales prices
3 a- u# o( h! L1 D3 r& j          * Average prices indicate market trends only. They do not reflect            actual prices, which vary from house to house and area to area. For            information on a specific area, contact your local REALTOR®.
鲜花(1394) 鸡蛋(16)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-4 16:31 | 显示全部楼层
( m- ]/ j& p# |! g; |: I  S& |  K# n0 C) F. i
$ U" W- ?, B% N; f. A& D( {3 y( ?( F
鲜花(1269) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2010-10-4 17:03 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(25) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-10-4 17:11 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Sell a house. Worry about house bubble.
鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-10-4 17:16 | 显示全部楼层
' K0 j$ f5 ]. R9 D% `
1 C; H" ~/ i! ?上个月的报告说“8月 ...' u+ W9 h( S3 k% t
老杨 发表于 2010-10-4 17:31
7 \) ~- m  ?% U& h: |/ X

$ O, X. S5 l* _; @
5 b9 G7 l& H( p; A7 ]3 `算得这么细,肯定是借外脑了,是不是请酷暑帮你算的?
鲜花(34) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2010-10-4 17:31 | 显示全部楼层
统计口径差别大,Bob Truman个人统计:2 }* k. l9 o8 |, U4 U
Sep 382,273 350,000
* e2 R# R' y1 F$ o  gAug 392,082 357,500
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-10-5 11:24 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-10-5 11:54 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-10-5 12:21 | 显示全部楼层
不止是有点暖,是高烧~, h$ ^9 P* `' O. `
) I+ g% K5 s5 B0 L1 u  w+ e7 p! n
http://www.edmontonjournal.com/b ... ?cid=megadrop_story5 v5 f. J7 Z- w: w9 e1 K) v
/ k  T2 K* R  }8 n5 R

7 c" t! ~2 Y0 U, f) ?: l! z3 zEdmonton sees 26% spike in luxury-home sales
% D2 t, i$ d( L/ U* E# O High-end houses defy real estate cooling trend* n! m7 r% Z* m3 Y9 O; u6 A! }' @

- u& B7 t2 H; h5 Q: g9 {9 G
3 e% R9 }' Q# b7 f2 IEDMONTON — While homebuying activity is cooling in Edmonton, luxury-home sales are picking up, says a new national report by ReMax., D4 r# o& ]1 y6 N2 e* Q- M

% j0 m8 i- \" B  o' x! C) S  E“One area of the market that has outperformed all others is the upper end,” said the ReMax Market Trends Report Fall 2010 released Tuesday.
3 k8 F' R1 R, d3 t, `( w+ w+ ^* D6 a7 h! l7 q# d
Sales of homes priced more than $700,000 are up 26 per cent over 2009, with 240 upscale properties changing hands as of August, compared to 190 units for the same period last year, it said. / T. Y; T$ X. p6 M0 }, Y4 `
9 Y1 A% S1 m: _& ?. _9 A
Fifty-five homes in the Edmonton area have sold for more than $1 million.
8 ^3 g# M4 y& F+ y  t- A  i" @8 T! E% g' E. @+ l
The urgency in Edmonton’s residential housing market — prompted by tighter lending policies and the threat of higher interest rates earlier in the year — has given way to more stable conditions heading into the fourth quarter of 2010, the report said.  V, ^2 O5 Y) h7 O+ u
' q5 |( m+ P7 ]& `" a
“Positive announcements in the oil and gas sector should spur renewed activity in residential real estate — as evidenced in the first few weeks of September. ( |1 N# h& j/ V0 }* ?/ `
6 G7 O- A; l& r4 E% k
“Despite recent hikes, interest rates remain attractive with a five-year closed hovering at four per cent. The outlook for the remainder of the year is stable, with no real fluctuations in either sales or price.”
- p& U7 y3 b* T4 u2 I* S6 E* I4 N
! A) k3 ?- @4 ]Year-to-date sales have slipped 14 per cent to 11,773 units, compared to 13,694 during the same period a year earlier, the report said.
# [1 _( X; b) @" f0 ^: n7 \! ?
! x/ s8 V: x8 t! j1 ~# HThe sales-to-listing ratio is now 47 per cent, down from 59 per cent in 2009, but up from 42 per cent in 2008.
1 X, M0 ?2 o3 J3 ^, {. L  X
3 W, Y- b- @* q, {) d5 yAverage price is holding steady, up about four cent to $332,789 in 2010, about $12,500, or 3.9 per cent, higher than a year ago when the residential average was $320,289, the report said.3 \# }$ ?2 C# w" `

4 o4 {% U$ Y) R7 q" J, P/ oInventory levels are up marginally over last year, but down from peak levels reached in 2007 and 2008, ReMax said.
5 S/ Y9 e% i2 @, G; u
7 P6 O* ?; X: T4 h“As a result, the housing market has been characterized as balanced, slightly favouring the buyer,” the report said.0 C& W- Z4 ^% L: j7 q

; D' Z4 u" b9 c" `% a9 XFirst-time buyers in Edmonton remain most active, driving sales of single-family homes between $250,000 and $350,000. Condos represent 34 per cent of residential sales.  y; h/ a5 d/ ^9 \& q
' n: q5 z2 |; Q! N2 q) n6 U, l5 I3 \
An influx of new units recently has pushed up supply, putting downward pressure on condo prices, according to the report. Tighter lending rules, requiring a 20-per-cent down payment, “is proving to be detrimental to investment activity.”) m* b+ A9 M+ }; b$ a9 ~+ X: ^
- v. u8 P2 Q# G# y6 \
The report, which covered trends and developments in 19 major centres from January to August, found year-to-date sales ahead of 2009 levels in 11 markets.  c: m( Y6 O$ L0 _% a1 J* A9 k( ]

) E% o. s$ P2 }% O* mPrices were up year-over-year in all cities, with five experiencing double-digit gains in 2010: Vancouver, St. John’s, Sudbury, Winnipeg and the Greater Toronto Area.* o" l6 _; o) {0 h; C" y
; W' d; Z  J" L; Z" Q  F; G8 Z
“We cleaned up in the first quarter of 2010 because housing activity during the same period one year earlier was dismal,” said Elton Ash, regional executive vice-president of ReMax, Western Canada.& E+ s3 z) x+ {5 }7 z/ a
1 ?8 j1 e  C/ Y$ @7 Z
“We’re now comparing the second half of the year to 2009 and falling short of expectations. Looking at the big picture however, the market remains healthy.”
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