trial appliance south 不讲价格,运费安装费还另收,安装个好点的抽油烟机器labor 要 up to 250。 不知道那位大哥大姐最近在那里买过kitchen aid。 给点信息,谢谢了 1 C: G, I3 a# ~- zKochFord 发表于 2010-8-19 21:00
3 L4 {4 {8 O$ x9 V" c
Trial gave me discount between 10%~15%. I don't see why they won't offer you. Maybe you can visit the store more often to catch a quarter end sale.: x/ H' G5 p5 o) Y
6 ~% S) R- f, ]抽油烟机 is very easy to install, do it yourself.