哦,这样呀? ! b7 Z n: R6 F5 b2 p" ~
“the Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union (IMM 5409), to be completed only if you have a co-signer and he or she is your common-law partner”, 我的理解应该是注册结婚的不用填。 , @% b- ?7 Y$ x+ E4 i8 c! J, w, \ 6 o+ _5 f' C* L其他的不好回答,因为要根据具体情况。 0 _" p8 _ s, i7 l9 `
: t, L4 m1 N, x U) z( E6 \. r9 o
因为我最近也在研究,所以就有兴趣来看看你的帖子。可惜我们的情况不一样,不能帮上你,不好意思。 希望有更多有经验人上来指点一下。再不然,就是找个好朋友帮你打电话问问。
I read the guide again, and you do not need to fill out IMM5409. ( Z) u5 n6 ?- E% |* W2 F7 c+ u1 L. W- ?# z8 q7 }; Q+ @8 V' C9 M( [8 y
In the checklist, one of the supporting documents is "Photocopy of your marriage certificate, if you have a co-signer and he or she is your spouse". + ~7 X) M' b U6 F$ B' p; R! K8 S4 B