3#ceramistpalace 7 F" {) c g: y0 B% s5 V, `# d, j. e1 S, b Y
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Thank you for your reply . I know there are some people like me meeting the same question. Now I need to know which number the City of Edmonton using for the property assessment. If one day I sell my house, I will write the MODEL SIZE(because I paid this money to the builder), but the city uses the net area (not includeing the stairwells). The buyer could say that I am a liar???
1#圆梦 ) Q1 I: I8 E3 P 1 ^ A' b+ e' \" B7 \我刚刚遇到同样的问题。建筑图纸上比销售图纸小了80尺左右。我是homebyavi建的。和他们的经理面谈后,解释为图纸为两张:一张是给你的另外一张是给工人的。工人的是少80尺的,是因为给工人付钱时不需要付两倍的楼梯的面积。我要了他们给政府申报的附件,是和签合同时一样的。