鲜花( 6)  鸡蛋( 0)
Effective July 7, ATB 5年固定封闭贷款利率在以前promotion的基础上降了0.10%,5年浮动封闭贷款利率依然保持不变 for a limited time only!/ H1 m' B3 h0 | M
1 q5 Y, A4 b0 d: b* m+ R
5 year Closed Fixed Best Rate 3.95%(with the relationship discount )7 y6 y( \1 i" }$ ]
- G6 H1 J' E8 d* E+ G
5 year Closed Variable Rate – Prime minus 0.60%( with the relationship discount )
" Z6 _, N+ s' _( H( E$ Z3 F% H, ~0 C* w* I5 }# F y+ s/ h
The conditions for relationship discount:
+ z, F/ \% A6 C% t& FYou confirm that, as of the date of this letter:7 x+ _& {" w; e! _6 F4 p9 z
(i)you have an ATB Financial chequing account and that, within 60 days of the date of this letter, you will (unless you already have either of the following in place) arrange for either (a) one direct deposit to be deposited into such account; or (b) two pre-authorized payments external to ATB Financial to be withdrawn from such account;
4 U2 y: d% s/ r& H, n& i/ f/ gand( e! ?! |0 g2 |6 T O
(ii)you (a) have submitted your completed ATB Financial Loan Protection application to ATB Financial (minimum 50% coverage); or (b) have been approved for (or already have) an ATB Financial Home Equity Line of Credit (minimum $50,000)6 G8 |; O/ s5 f8 w8 F3 l }6 B
3 S, Q- y. e) r/ N" l
1 p: C, `& C B4 i5 RFor the detail information about the rate, please contact myself at 780-408-7659 or through e-mail egao@atb.com, or any ATB branches.! b- v0 H# P, A/ ~& t8 m
For after working hour inquiries, please contact our Contact Centre at 1-800-332-8383.
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Please note that these rates are here only for a limited time and are subject to change anytime. Customer information and rate details must be input into Loan system to secure this rate. Rate can be held for 90days. |