Banks-Hill Systems Ltd is looking for a web developer who is between jobs/contracts and has experience with .net and sharepoint as a contractor (might become permanent). " L/ h8 I7 \$ G+ f* B" A& f 4 r" g0 a* e- oIt is a small company (about 20 employees) which has been running for years (over 20-30 years). Here is the compnay's website: 2 d$ a! h9 t2 v% h1 R& C+ X" @- v j9 h+ N* [/ |2 P' r- `' w; Y
6 q% l7 V# G/ ^8 h6 L& W( aIf anyone is interested, he/she can directly apply, or through me (I am the owner's friend). Please send me an email ( with resume. I will contact him/her and forward to the owner.
感谢楼主分享招聘信息!3 O# b+ u: U o
Employment Opportunity / City of Edmonton Community Services / o% D% o, h% gEdmonton TO APPLY Online & further details, visit: - x+ b0 h# N. S9 c+ d# l$ C需要找工作的朋友可以去Work Experience(搜索工作职位,目前很多公司正在招人(全职和兼职现金工),这个招聘网站是英文版的,所以英文不好的朋友可以借助翻译软件,希望能对失业的朋友有些帮助!