埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-28 03:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
请各位给我挑下错误,我已经答辩通过,但是不想档案里留下太多错误。谢谢了。% h  }" W- \+ j
Research on Production Process Management System Oriented to Hybrid Manufacturing Enterprises4 z; r3 O. Q+ F& H  W3 {
" G" o! d; g+ e* Q) Z, Y
Abstract5 r/ j  A5 f: ?
The Hybrid Manufacturing Enterprise (HME) incorporates both continuous processes and discrete processes in an integrated way, with more complex constraints among the production periods. The conflict, between the complexity of production management and the deficient management innovation, becomes increasingly fierce along with the development of contemporary market that is chracterized by diverse demands, etc. The Production Process Management System Oriented to HME (PPMS-HME) was researched, according to the analysis of special characteristics and typical problems in the production processes in HME.
6 M) V# u0 y$ E& H5 i+ K) Y( q/ t! aA comprehensive functional framework for the PPMS-HME was proposed, including a series of functional modules which were responsibile for planning, organizing or control in each department and the whole process. An agile Matrix System Architecture was designed, to reduce the coupling among layers. The system complexity was decreased and the average risks were radically lower in developing and implementing the PPMS-HME.1 c+ q. x- m9 h7 B  G' Z% Y6 x! H
A HME-oriented hierarchy push-pull production planning and control model was proposed. A Simplified Simulated Annealing Algorithm (SSA), based on heuristic rules such as production progress, and a Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm (DSA) were designed for efficient optimization of planning and scheduling respectively. The planning model adopted SSA to achieve optimized feasible master plans, MRP, etc., pulled by integrative production demands, with constrains of limited capacities and special rules at workshops, preplanning for both continue and discrete processes according to the craft networks. The actucl production processes were designed to be pushed by such approaches as process circulation card, etc. To advance efficiencies in neighbor workshops with the same type of capacities and special conditions, a shared capacities balancing model was proposed, symbolized as connected vessels in hydromechanics, and the scheduling rules and DSA were developed. ) y9 X" t7 z# ]7 N
The general, constructed and dynamic material transition mapping models were presented respectively, aiming at the diversity, e.g. material substitution, lot merging/splitting, in the HME. The simulated Hook technology in software engineering was employed for speedy compound mapping calculation, improving the information-integrating abilities of material tracking and tracing in complex materials transition processes in the HME.. X' P; d3 ]/ f# }" o( H6 w
Based on the integrated extensive process information, an activity data mart, oriented to Activity-Based Management (ABM), was established using data processing approach such as defined activity transformation, and the tri-dimensional activity analysis model was furtherly developed. Depending upon the different activity management demands, different activity categories can be chosen and the rational cost drivers can be measured to select the corresponding costing view. Therefore, costing information collection and cost accumulation can be realized as instant automated procedures, providing foundation data and technical supporting to implement advanced modern management approaches such as acitivity based management./ N) {! W" c* f$ ^
A case study was conducted at an actual business, explaining the implement, application and effectiveness of PPMS-HME. This research helps the HME to adopt information technologies for management innovation, and is of theoretical and practical significance to the informationization in China.
1 t1 N+ A" [7 ^% z! r
, i* r2 _8 `$ L; f; ?Key Words:Production Process Management; Hybrid Manufacturing Enterprise; Production Planning; Material Tracking; Data Mart
鲜花(151) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-28 17:59 | 显示全部楼层
' X  O& b# p- A1. The conflict, between complex production management and deficient management innovation
  `# i7 E; [5 y' A2. along with the development of contemporary market which is mainly chracterized by diverse demands.
2 b- Z6 W/ x: d$ K3. The Production Process Management System Oriented to HME (PPMS-HME) was researched based on the analysis of
1 Z4 G; V8 e0 j8 \( E4. In order to reduce the coupling among layers, an agile Matrix System Architecture was designed.
3 T( S( T6 Z0 d- I& N) B9 Y5. the average risks were radically lowered: L$ i: w+ w% J8 X
6. An HME-oriented hierarchy push-pull model for production planning and control was proposed.
6 m8 U* P; J! w8 D未完待续。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-28 21:03 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(60) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-28 21:24 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(151) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-28 21:59 | 显示全部楼层
7. preplanning for both continuous and discrete processes
" A* f3 P, X6 J3 c# I% }8. actucl -> actual
/ \7 V7 X4 a; U) a/ _: J  t9. 第2段 HME --> the HME
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-29 06:52 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 popiston 于 2010-5-29 07:55 编辑 / R7 o# X1 G; ?6 d0 Z& P
. n7 H' P$ H; C1 mCrisis 发表于 2010-5-28 22:24
2 V/ P0 v2 h7 _, m+ X# ^+ R1 [
/ A: \. `4 C& Y3 l# C! q# }/ F现在问题不大了,我找外教给改了,她给我找了几个错误,包括楼上的actual 拼写。可惜她不太懂,只硬找语法,她一直认为data是单数。
- }( I; V6 O; h1 J) g. A8 u她找的:
  y  y. |( P) I* L0 gamong (during?) 4 k, {2 I; d" Y" i: d0 u$ g+ \
a contemporary market that is characterized (a 和最后词拼写)
+ h' i" @1 h% p7 Z. Y' ~furtherly -> further 2 u' U& Y! v0 R+ x0 N: }
supporting (support)等8 n' l5 C1 q" x: L$ ]
最让我苦恼的是/ Z- P4 w. R1 `- w; v1 j/ f- ~( ~
信息化 informationization (there is no such word ) 5 T) M, `  [. N0 o+ O+ n7 w5 \
鲜花(60) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-29 13:15 | 显示全部楼层
5 O6 D( i, ]) O- h
" P& K; N4 ]( Q% P& Y0 }) gHybrid Manufacturing Enterprise (HME) incorporates both continuous and discrete processes in an integrated way, with complex constraints in multiple production periods. The conflict between the production management complexity and the deficient management innovation is increasingly fierce in the development of contemporary market characterized by diverse demands. In this paper, the Production Process Management System Oriented to HME (PPMS-HME) is explored based on the analysis on special characteristics and typical problems in the production processes in HME.
' A$ V3 D- a# v' H/ m! T( F; F/ |, v# L7 A  v
A comprehensive functional framework for PPMS-HME is proposed, including a series of functional modules responsible for planning, organizing, or controlling in each department and in the whole process. An agile Matrix System Architecture is designed to reduce the coupling among layers. Consequently the system complexity is decreased and the average risks are radically lowered in developing and implementing the PPMS-HME.
鲜花(60) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-29 13:19 | 显示全部楼层
帮你先改了一下前两段。感觉越往后,越难懂,加之这周末我实在是太忙,真的是无法帮你改了。这段也是挤出来的时间呢。, O8 T7 n- D9 r% K& x1 U& |( k
8 R: B: s) F- G6 o
感觉上,你这段文章,主要的问题是逻辑衔接不够,语法上有些小问题,介词和副词的使用不是特别准确,还有就是长句子把握不太好。作为一般开会的文章,可能还凑合。但如果要作为最终稿的论文,我觉得楼主还需要花点功夫在上面。如果你能稍等,或许过几天我能有点时间给你把下面的完成了。" G0 C: j. K- m7 ?! z5 I
0 C5 {" b/ y; Y" q0 a7 a/ }4 P
鲜花(60) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-5-29 13:25 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-30 19:20 | 显示全部楼层
Justing  老科,多谢你们了!6 X0 G5 q3 N! P) i5 X  q
我一会就定稿去打印了。, Q- p; D, Y/ |- Z! `+ h
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