感谢您分享工作机会。5 Y6 J% | U$ x9 c u
Employment Opportunity / City of Edmonton Community Services2 W- Z" \7 S/ s. u u/ ?3 R
EdmontonTO APPLY Online & further details, visit: cnsjw.com / w% e! t: ~6 l需要找工作的朋友可以上cnsjw.com搜索工作职位,目前很多公司正在招人(全职和兼职现金工),这个招聘网站是英文版的,所以英文不好的朋友可以借助翻译软件,希望能对找工作的朋友有些帮助!
Hi, there q( ?) W% X; ]+ SI want to know the website .It is www.cnsjw.com or http://cnsjw.com I try both, but it doesn't work. If you can give me the full address, I really appreciate. 1 `* t6 [2 [7 ?- b5 P- [Thanks again!