请看税务局网站解释Monthly public transit passes: 2 @$ e. C/ q: V, k! ? x+ }" F2 Y
The tax credit for public transit passes is a non-refundable tax credit for the cost of buying a monthly (or longer duration) pass for commuting on buses, streetcars, subways, commuter trains and local ferries.(难道你们都觉得school bus不属于bus吗?)$ a, }9 D% n4 R
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4 v+ H! T$ j+ Z4 S/ @ ) q" `7 X3 U6 U# ~另外What other public transit in addition to monthly public transit passes costs are eligible for a tax credit?( B2 c) L% h) O; {: l; O
. ^ @* x3 Z: _! `) D8 A
* N; v% f S1 ^
* Shorter duration passes if:; X& V% T n% N6 k) f* Z
o each pass entitles you to unlimited travel for an uninterrupted period of at least 5 days; and . p" s3 W/ T% ]7 Z o enough of these passes are purchased so that you are entitled to unlimited travel for at least 20 days in any 28-day period. 2 e5 w/ A( r' M. l- b
* Cost-per-trip electronic payment cards if: ) F/ q: q- c b6 A4 @4 Z o the card is used for at least 32 one-way trips during an uninterrupted period not more than 31 days; and" X. _8 H& w. G* {" k$ s( B
o if the card is issued by a public transit authority that records and provides a receipt for the cost and usage of the card.
http://blog.taxresource.ca/publi ... -and-school-busses/ % f; ?8 }' ^' {/ w9 u7 p A/ Q/ r; r- QThe CRA concluded that since access to school buses was limited to a particular group, school bus programs would not qualify for the public transit tax credit.
这个只是某人的一个blog而已,并不代表official site& ^, @$ i) A. ]) Z# `, M
4 d' S. q P( h
你要从official site找出school bus不qualify) s; f1 J/ W" k7 |. K% }
urspace 发表于 2010-4-7 16:50
4 X0 {9 u7 r5 \
# ~, v! Q7 i% m H0 u
找到一个比较正式一点的: 8 W2 ]: q' b: o O7 l- A6 {" Phttp://transportation.epsb.net/datafiles/STNEWS_Final_feb10.pdf " r+ t8 L+ D: z/ }: q & z. d' y7 h( O8 o8 SFederal Tax Credit for Transit Passes - D2 L8 Y7 M# q4 [Parents who have purchased ETS passes for their children can claim a non-refundable tax credit on their income tax returns. The credit applies only to the purchase of public transit passes and does not apply to the purchase of yellow bus passes. The credit took effect July 1, 2006.
可以的,学校还特意提醒家长去取收据 5 Y6 X+ x5 B3 I. ^0 R, X7 Y. R- adiana2003 发表于 2010-4-8 09:54
. T; u1 W. i ?" q7 Q6 [( L9 ]
) i& Q1 z! c- w6 v' A% o( T3 A# }根据龟腚学校当然会给发票, 但是又根据龟腚, YELLOW BUS PASS不能抵税(俺们买的还是年票), 可是俺发现很多人都抵税了, 所以让人郁闷. " B8 L- A2 p# t/ _1 y( ? E
8 R/ W) k& ~* [( L
Federal Tax Credit for Transit Passes' S/ H" m( |6 Z/ Y7 t( Z9 \
Parents who have purchased ETS passes for their children can claim a non-refundable tax credit on their income tax returns. The credit applies only to the purchase of public transit passes and does not apply to the purchase of yellow bus passes. The credit took effect July 1, 2006.. P3 u3 s. h ?' T
Parents will require a receipt to substantiate the amount that was paid. Schools will issue receipts twice a year—the first for September through December and the second for January through June. It is also recommended that parents retain the transit passes as further backup.4 V/ Y5 G. G/ U0 Y$ k
Please check the Canada Revenue Agency website at http://www.cra.gc.ca for more information.
- A5 S1 f4 S A$ R- F5 ?9 W+ ^ |, v! F4 C4 H/ o+ f6 y根据龟腚学校当然会给发票, 但是又根据龟腚, YELLOW BUS PASS不能抵税(俺们还买的是年票), 可是俺发现很多人都抵税了, 所以让人郁闷. 5 j, a4 O$ u$ C9 P$ \
6 J) {$ j* J# R9 @. w4 k( ~
Federal Tax Credit for Transit Passes" D$ q/ Z% q5 p( G
Parents who have purchased ETS passes for their children can claim a non-refundable tax credit on their income tax returns. The credit applies only to the purchase of public transit passes and does not apply to the purchase of yellow bus passes. The credit took effect July 1, 2006.. _: h0 ^1 }$ }0 L1 ]
Parents will require a receipt to substantiate the amount that was paid. Schools will issue receipts twice a year—the first for September through December and the second for January through June. It is also recommended that parents retain the transit passes as further backup.& C4 m4 R, {1 D% P& e
Please check the Canada Revenue Agency website at http://www.cra.gc.ca for more information.