鲜花( 53)  鸡蛋( 0)
1# Flashtalk
$ B) z1 D, K. O4 Y' d
! q( L# H4 [$ G. ^2 H1 l' \7 gDid you make any changes to the original plan/spec, like adding a window, skylight or moving a wall or position of doors etc., etc.?
* D5 R9 [' t% n1 eFor your other question regarding the roofing: tar paper or alike should be put in place before installation of shingles but the photo shows a small portion of the roof obviously has no tar paper underneath and I would guess the only reason they didn't do it is because that part is overshadowed by the main roof atop of it. No doubt it is always better to have underlay under every piece of shingles however not all trades have the same high moral principles /professionalism; if the guy think"that is no big deal", he'd rather save the few minutes not doing it. Talk to the builder of your concern and see if they would redo that part;(it's a small area anyway, hopefully they won't deny you) |