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contact Zhangxing Chen?
http://web.kaust.edu.sa/faculty/ ... /WE245_speakers.pdf4 G( \; K* l8 v& a" R6 g
! u- c6 T$ @+ j: v" R( Y# r* ]
Zhangxing Chen8 B8 C9 K, J: m, Q9 L
NSERC/AERI/Foundation CMG Chair and iCORE Chair
* e, p$ G9 h6 Z1 Z) v" k* j7 F. SDirector, iCenter Simulation & Visualization
5 Y! G! M% A' H5 D+ d$ CDepartment of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering' {5 ^) e% _. X) P4 G/ k7 Y* [# N' `
University of Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, Canada
2 {# L- h- G, w" C" x: i0 f) p- b2 P l
Zhangxing (John) Chen is currently a Professor at the University of Calgary and Director of iCentre! k5 M/ ]% p/ f; j9 D
Simulation & Visualization, and holds the NSERC/AERI/Foundation CMG Senior Research Chair in
, N7 o' Q4 O6 y1 j1 WReservoir Simulation and iCORE Industrial Chair in Reservoir Modeling. He received his B.S. degree
, R; g: ~7 }8 {6 gfrom the University of Jiangxi, M.S. degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University, China, and Ph.D. degree
+ O4 R+ G2 [5 sfrom Purdue University, USA. He formerly held a Tengfei Chaired and Chang Jiang Chaired$ y4 x4 |- C% r4 ^
Professorship (the most prestigious professor position awarded by the Chinese Ministry of Education in
u% p0 u2 C6 x; U( b4 ]/ rChina) at Xi’an Jiaotong University, Tepin Professorship of Energy and Resources at the Peking
9 J) j8 t, ^( NUniversity, Ziqiang Professorship at Shanghai University, and Gerald J. Ford Research Professorship at
. Y; e8 g6 h8 |: W' p! PSouthern Methodist University (SMU). Other significant appointments include oil and gas related ]9 `! w5 c1 D& O9 b* S5 J, F5 |: d, o
research and university appointments by such notable organizations such as Texas A&M University, the1 _3 g& X+ ~$ {6 U8 @$ N# p& N
University of Minnesota, and the Mobil (now ExxonMobil) Technology Company, and Director of the
! f2 s& Z* G1 J. O, {% Q- i. K ECenter for Scientific Computation at SMU, Director of the Center for Advanced Reservoir Modeling and
1 g* \: \0 b* y* N( I7 Z& t* d+ aSimulation at Peking University, and President, Chinese Association for Science and Technology in
3 L+ m7 W3 t; {3 L% E# \Texas, USA. Dr. Chen has edited six books, written four books, and published 200 research articles in
' L2 Q. k6 H/ M2 L) M' B; Jinternational high-quality journals. He has delivered over 200 invited, plenary, and keynote presentations
/ e" W* W8 m$ R7 y3 \+ f) rworldwide. His research interest is in numerical reservoir simulation, mathematical modeling, algorithm$ M7 {. o2 g- O s; v+ ]. R3 m
development, and parallel computing. He is a member of the Petroleum Society. |