I would guess the walls where R12 is used are below grade (concrete foundation on the sides), that is why the builder does not use R20. Of course, R20 is better but the price increase will include the extra cost of switching from 2x4 wall framing to 2x6, on top of the price difference between R12 and R20. R40, for sure, is even better but it is usually used in the attic, seldom heard being used behind walls.
I would guess the walls where R12 is used are below grade (concrete foundation on the sides), that is why the builder does not use R20. Of course, R20 is better but the price increase will include the ... b6 S: Z9 ~/ eceramistpalace 发表于 2010-2-10 18:27
6#Phaeton * F' M' [" W4 K0 j, z1 [# o; P6 K ( s8 n. p8 F) c: M# H% yYour house will still have below-grade concrete foundation walls on 2 sides and the front, a 2x4 frame on the inside of the wall is needed to accommodate the insulation.(just like a regular non-walkout basement)
sales刚刚回信给我,说是给我问问看。但是他说建议我不用升级,二是把钱花在basement的地面上比较合适。“Personally I would not upgrade the walls. I would put my money in the floor. On my last home I put 2x4 strapping on the floor and rigid insulation in between. I then put 5/8 tongue and groove plywood on top and Cork on top of that. Very cozy. Very warm on the feet.”
sales刚刚回信给我,说是给我问问看。但是他说建议我不用升级,二是把钱花在basement的地面上比较合适。“Personally I would not upgrade the walls. I would put my money in the floor. On my last home I put 2x ... & ~/ Z* ^9 s3 n+ U$ i2 u* L1 ?7 DPhaeton 发表于 2010-2-10 21:01