09年12月底发布一个消息,放弃一区块的二次开发,结果价格降到0.3一下,我在0.27左右捡了一些,这几天上班不敢炒股,结果今天回来一看,怎么到了0.5以上,是有啥消息?我没搜到news。是不是大庄家想出货,所以先大量买进抬高,等大家都上,他们再抛售?+ k* F' A: _3 c, \0 D: Z2 P
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January Effect?9 i+ n' \+ @5 i2 R* D2 h5 t
8 `" {7 d1 K; ]* t8 @ k
" small stocks have outperformed the broader market in the month of January, with most of the disparity occurring before the middle of the month."