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本帖最后由 clf2001 于 2010-1-7 11:25 编辑 . x# ^% R+ w: j4 ~0 K7 x2 F
6 _- ~4 T) Z) O# a3 V) NFollowing email is from my agent regarding opsitions in USA. Read it please, this is urgent recruiting opportunity.0 ~9 q9 e+ _+ ^5 H- U
5 D$ ?( E" e* w: r( J+ @
Contact information:
4 y# }% V+ u! [0 \
/ G7 g' M( M: ]1 ] }; {! p/ zJohn Larson7 K: [ b( R/ H" f4 K% I
Bradspy Group* P \- L6 q, c0 i( x7 h% x% W9 {+ A
Tel 303 813 8100# S7 h& g# ^. k
jlarson@bradsbygroup.com2 E! t5 H) X* D- o6 F5 {7 e- S
" R7 _8 `+ L6 A3 b/ [- T- N
Good luck
) h- ^/ |8 y7 R% P& |2 f, f# |/ p; n# s* @
8 g9 Y: ?. p: S& D6 t% x
' w; S7 M. }! FXXXX,
- f2 j0 q5 ^. s1 [% u0 K4 K( T1 H# X, v. P0 d
This message is going out to all of the people in my database. I have a bunch of positions that I need to get filled in North Dakota and Pennsylvania ASAP! I wanted to ask if you would forward me the names of the Frac, Coil, Cement and Wireline people you know. I am looking to get quite a few positions filled in Cement, Coil, Frac and Wireline at all levels. The companies are willing to relocate.
# T1 Q3 K, P0 g2 D
4 _. y+ W6 z3 s% G y% h- t7 J0 VDo you know anybody I should be talking to? Or if you would, could you spread this email around to the people you know?
9 r# M8 m2 b8 R8 @4 m/ ?
0 f' D- D3 v" ~1 iThank you and I hope things are going well for you.3 L& c2 N [/ w! I
8 k P+ D: T" W' {, E& R2 x9 c5 v
Thank you!3 Y3 t8 _& ]% Z
' T# O2 ~0 K2 K* BJohn Larson |