我家的地下室不是那种 in-law suite。有两扇窗,万一遇火灾的话人可以从窗户爬出去,但不是高窗。据说出租并不合法,对吗?{:3_88:} 2 ?& j) t% n. ], q8 |4 t
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以前租地下室住的时候,都是跟我家一样的地下室,但每家都有stove 和 oven。想 ... ! U% r0 ^3 L& X D3 q- e/ \yxiao9 发表于 2009-10-26 12:15
+ r) v3 Z# A/ A* }# e* X& F6 INot recommend to take anyone's words here, this is a complication of legal matter/safety requirement/insurance coverage, better contact your lawyer/insurance co/city planning and development. DON'T take the chance.
it is better not to have a kitchen in basement. that's too dangerours. you also need to spend more money to get approval and pay more on insurance. how much more you will get from rental with a kitchen?