鲜花( 4348)  鸡蛋( 18)

楼主 |
发表于 2009-5-29 14:57
153# carlzheng
, O) ^+ A. H) z有人认为这是一个可能性。" q) Q2 C6 ]' u) Q! k* ?8 D
Mr. Geithner goes to Beijing 5 r0 z9 B: T; G' X
US Treasury Sec. Geithner will meet with top Chinese officials on June 1-2 in his first trip to China since taking over Treasury. His ostensible purpose is to thank China for doing its share to support the global economy with a sizable fiscal stimulus package and to urge them to move away from an export driven economy and toward greater domestic consumption. Chinese officials on the other hand are more likely to express concern over the value of the USD and to seek assurances that US deficit spending will eventually be reduced. In term of official comments, we would think that Chinese officials are most likely to express confidence in the US administration's efforts to rejuvenate the US economy, which may be interpreted as a commitment to continue buying US debt and support the USD. For the Chinese to signal anything less would be taken as an extremely negative sign for Treasuries and the USD, of which they are massive holders and presumably do not wish to devalue unnecessarily. For his part, Mr. Geithner is likely to repeat the strong USD mantra on more than one occasion. Positive soundings from China could be a significant catalyst to stabilize the greenback and possibly trigger a rebound. |