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ZT:Average home price will fall to $246,000 in '09: TD

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-8 21:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Canadian house prices have further to fall, while overbuilding in the residential market, particularly in the Prairies, will prevent the sector from making a quick recovery from the current downturn in sales, prices and construction, according to a report by TD Economics.
* I" `3 ]8 V- G7 F# x' [1 W3 J2 [) H5 D/ p# _+ H
TD economists expect the average Canadian house price to fall to about $246,000 in 2009, down 24% from the peak of $324,000 in 2007. As of February, the average nation-wide house price stood at $282,000, down 13% from its peak. # w' H; T. e7 w+ p& p. o

6 k- h6 C/ O; P3 E( ?The report, released Tuesday, found house prices had been overshooting their fundamental value by about 9% since 2005 as speculation drove up prices and encouraged overbuilding.
. V( b) v4 `/ O% ^/ u" _' @/ @* K- R
"Declines in prices are now returning to fundamental-justified values. We estimate this process to be roughly half done, both in terms of time and value adjustments," the report said.
* y! M6 v, j7 {: q4 b
& \- w6 x; Y: J0 w! W3 l1 NNow, as housing prices correct, the economists believe the excess supply of housing in the market will continue to weigh on the sector throughout 2009. However, Canada will avoid a U.S.-style housing crash because the oversupply of housing is much smaller.* j" a. `9 y, }! H& k4 S

2 k) k' [! b$ m  I2 J; e$ HTD estimates the overhang of residential homes in the Canadian market is equal to about three month's supply, compared to about 10 months in the United States. As a result of the overhang combined with low prices, housing construction would likely remain 20% below its potential level and fall to 125,000 in 2009 and increase slightly to 135,000 in 2010. In September 2007, new homes were being constructed at a seasonally adjusted annualized rate of 273,000.5 r) u. P% H8 s1 U. x$ V

- A8 C) A0 b) }) n% \7 p1 f"A glut in the housing stock means that builders will have to rein in residential construction further -- particularly in the most overbuilt markets. As well, excess inventories in certain markets will prove an additional drag on home prices," it said. - I1 K! e9 Y7 G$ w! e

6 O! P  C  m8 C) p  aTD said Calgary and Edmonton had accumulated "worrisome" inventories of unsold single family homes, while the overhang of supply in Saskatoon's was at a historical high. Montreal also had a growing inventory of unsold condos and apartments. Toronto and Vancouver have so far avoided a major oversupply in inventories, however TD said the large number of condos under construction in both cities raised the possibility of mounting oversupply this year.( A& T# p0 m8 `/ D# W0 X1 l* C4 e* ?

! Z. H& Z2 T! _& L- r% L$ L; o: @Meanwhile, lower interest rates and house prices have helped housing become slightly more affordable. TD said mortgage payments cost the consumer about 34% of an average household income in 2007, compared with 22% in 2000. This rate is predicted to have fallen to 32% in 2008. & q3 x5 q, u7 e1 d: g3 S* F+ i) o9 M& z
; m* _. D2 F  V6 h9 x
鲜花(52) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-8 21:40 | 显示全部楼层
' u- C2 {8 Q7 }/ i) G: k
+ {% L5 D/ y3 n* ]0 F
TD said Calgary and Edmonton had accumulated "worrisome" inventories of unsold single family homes,% i: h& ]2 d: s- Y

- \  r" q# d5 t' i7 h5 i[ 本帖最后由 宋兵乙 于 2009-4-8 22:45 编辑 ]
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-8 22:16 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(180) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-8 22:35 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
: K- d# f% t' F- I; T 再说了:听说大家都抢房子的时候是三年前,那时候的专业工作容易找,来的早的买到便宜的房子,一般的townhouse13-16万,现在则18-25万。今非昔比,如今很多人都回学校深造去了,除非经济危机短期能够回转,否者房价应该回到三年前再跌个5、6万的。3 J8 B: o' W. H4 C  Z6 J0 z: L' l! @

, s; ]" u, r) \1 ^! H8 V4 P" s[ 本帖最后由 茶水 于 2009-4-8 23:54 编辑 ]
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-9 09:28 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 茶水 于 2009-4-8 23:35 发表
. t8 g4 v) o$ q: W% x跟toronto的平均房价36万比起来,edmonton应该再跌一些,虽然中国和加拿大不同,中国发展的不如加拿大均衡,但还是有可以借鉴的地方,比如说中国沈阳的房价能和上海比吗?如果能跌到24万!哈哈!我们一般的打工族不用 ...
, t  I3 |+ N3 I9 B
很多人都回学校深造去了; }8 u3 {' Y3 L( s* i' c* S/ u
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-9 10:10 | 显示全部楼层

TD Special Report节选

Alberta. \7 `. c5 X) E! l* S. G6 @
Wild Rose country was overbuilt substantially during its" D8 Y! F/ C/ i
boom years, and mounting inventories in Calgary and Edmonton  Z+ [" t$ [$ u0 f4 V+ g
are cause for concern. Indeed, even over 1991 to/ U6 G, ^8 B# K8 [. \1 c4 H
2001, housing starts in Alberta had already overshot household6 l# l! P) |  a3 K$ W! G
formation by 12%. With oil prices having subsided
0 P- o0 a$ y+ ]4 n) n. nfrom their fever pitch and expansion projects now on hold,* s5 B. z$ {+ |
the net inflow of migrants has slowed dramatically and+ J# k! }3 U) `7 P0 X
may even cease completely during 2009. The previous
& s1 z8 ]) n/ npace of homebuilding could not be sustained and slowed" }, B7 h9 |+ |  o" J
precipitously during the fall. Alberta’s starts further declined5 }3 m& S6 _  e, H& c
to 13,100 units in February, 61% lower than a year
1 F1 M' W  u# B- S8 pprior. With Alberta’s economy set to contract by 2.5% this' ]) F, B. f# m! C7 f5 D
year in real terms and roughly 10% in nominal terms,% Q1 k" u: }' P: G
homebuilding has likely not yet bottomed. While around
% ]8 o' H9 Y9 {1 R1 v+ ^+ I3 R30,000 new households will form in the province during6 T2 E  y  ~/ a) d2 K( r
2009, starts are likely to be nearer 14,000 units on the year.
4 h5 n! W. a5 lEven accounting for the population inflows, the province’s& [1 v8 o9 q/ i; A7 v7 {
homebuilding overshot fundamentals by nearly 10%. _. X" p+ j/ ~
during the commodity boom. From 1991 to 2006, Alberta5 j* D5 i- a6 L+ X6 a2 V( j* M
has approximately 72,000 more housing starts than new5 ?* Q' _* S$ E# `
households, and the estimated 13% overshoot of fundamentals
4 M3 T; \% ^6 S0 Zduring 2002-2008 exhibits this excess. Now, plunging
* e0 ]7 h+ Q" h  J2 Fsales-to-new listings ratios and mounting unsold inventories
2 Q. _* B/ w* t' wclearly indicate that the present stock of homes is8 g+ _& V  h  t$ s/ t% _8 d
excessive. As of February, Calgary had an overhang of# ?3 \  r' t  M5 }
1,133 unsold units (874 singles and 259 multiples) and a
) H4 n4 @& _* G! P5 `sales-to-new listings ratio of 0.29, indicative of a definitive
: X% b. U/ Q; Y( @( m- R! jbuyer’s market, having now fallen to its lowest value in
0 J. M& E' |! ]6 Vtwo decades. Similarly alarming is Edmonton’s surge in$ y' p9 X/ n+ R- {
unsold inventories. As of December, Edmonton had 1,747
* Y, Y) X0 ^( u8 y! ~unsold units (1,254 singles and 493 multiples) – its largest
0 V2 M7 O6 g/ |4 ]. Orecorded overhang ever – and conditions for sellers in the
' h) [4 G1 ?& y8 o- l, dresale market have deteriorated sharply. In both of Alberta’s
& r9 _- V, i- Z9 d/ o" M$ tmajor cities, homebuilders have worrisome unsold inventories
3 E8 ~: E& q* u' oof new singles, and, with demand having cooled
9 ~& m1 ~7 p9 K& b# i' l" J4 o2 hrapidly, resale markets already appear saturated.% Y5 {# \" G5 ]+ w; x" T
The steep appreciation of house prices during Alberta’s8 ^; Y& [9 T. O9 y8 e4 d+ d  ?
boom times now appears to have been far too optimistic., G- O, D- G* R5 h. a
Although income growth was very strong, Albertan& u% R3 y! \5 X9 E$ u8 m5 n) ]
housing during 2007 and 2008 was especially overpriced( i5 K; z! r! u! U2 k! [
relative to fundamentals. The quick climb of Albertan resale
# T; v1 B2 @& b( E% Xprices substantially eroded affordability and, even) s$ m) t& o) q$ c
though Albertans were Canada’s highest income earners
# F4 F- d( m2 L! lon average, the growth in household income was not sustainable.
) A. A# m) l$ I: u+ h: LThe 9% year-over-year decline in Alberta’s average, D& X" ~" @1 X+ r7 A" t
resale price in February is evidence that past prices" r* _0 I" S# W" W
exceeded fundamentals. Those inflated prices drove3 _$ A$ l/ |" e  S, P2 c% h
homebuilding in excess of fundamentals. Given Albertans’! g/ M9 R: V$ t, }! ^$ x$ r, A4 R
deteriorating incomes and the overhangs of unsold inventories,
, V2 D! W) g, _3 R4 H# U7 YAlberta’s resale prices probably have another 20%
5 z4 u( s7 h' a; ]* lleg down over 2009." [6 R6 V' {# \! s! j
7 I* }& r, l8 d
[ 本帖最后由 依勒特 于 2009-4-9 11:14 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-9 10:11 | 显示全部楼层
Given Albertans’deteriorating incomes and the overhangs of unsold inventories,
. Y- ~5 p! t8 [% W' @Alberta’s resale prices probably have another 20% leg down over 2009.:
) a) F9 ?! m% m  x

& b  Z0 P; y0 z5 T# I) E[ 本帖最后由 依勒特 于 2009-4-9 11:15 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-9 10:13 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-9 10:17 | 显示全部楼层
Yup, and you would be simply manipulated and brainless if you purchased right now. 7 G0 N( t% m, e0 E1 S. @0 w1 t! Z
翻译:brainless=没脑子=猪脑分子! ?+ F7 Z" d# q0 U; D: b
4 f( h6 U3 k0 D( x- d0 B) Q
" t7 Y8 M* {# X. Z. m6 _
2 q9 V  F2 Z- f[ 本帖最后由 依勒特 于 2009-4-9 11:19 编辑 ]
鲜花(52) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-9 10:30 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-10 00:02 | 显示全部楼层
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