我贴得第一个链接是alberta health care insurance plan 和blue cross合作的drug plan。每季度60多。算下来每个月就20块 了。如果收入低,还可以有补助。2 L9 d* y3 V* a/ X% c4 Q8 g
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第二个连接是blue cross得plan,不仅包括drug,还有dental, vision, extensive health care等等,按照保的金额和范围,保费从每个月40多到60多不等。% V. o( K7 Q- [8 [, {! G5 t* P# e
8 \( \. h( k& _& v
我和我媳妇现在用的是ab blue cross得individual plan C,两个人每月130。
they will increase the fee from July.01. i have been with them for a long time and got a letter couple weeks ago saying the fee will be double. I didn't change my plan.