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关于rental property land& building cost

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-31 17:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
问高手,在报rental income时,要求你第一年把你买房子的total cost divide into land & building cost,我打电话问税务局划分的依据,他们说,应该问city of edmonton交property tax的地方,可是我打电话给city,他们说他们不提供的。
0 c; n8 S7 A: e8 P3 ]: H  ]5 j; p3 h: l) B
问各位高手,怎么去划分,是50%/50% building & land吗?
+ ~" G! J- y1 s" [; {1 @4 B  E! ^. o& d) b2 }7 c7 t# s- Z; e. Q& `4 o
如果自己可以决定的话,是不是多放点成本在building上面,就可以多折旧点? 那么卖的时候有什么影响吗?
2 u$ S3 V, L( b- _0 K' S" p) N# H& q( q
鲜花(15) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-31 21:04 | 显示全部楼层
You use the market values of the land and the building to divide the costs between the land and the building. If you'd like to know the market vaules of the property, please contact a company related to the appraisal of real estate.
4 U0 c# e* \' n7 z4 ]From tax planning, you'd better not to claim capital cost allowance on your building. It will affect negatively when you dispose your build.If you need further information, please go to Canada place, on the main floor to take "Canada Revenue Agency Rental income includes From T776" 2008.
/ {% U  [* C; G* I& Rhope it will help.: Z$ h7 `  ^( n# A9 u8 _
" q1 g4 m7 \$ ^" T$ N5 E& t, w
[ 本帖最后由 Ed_China 于 2009-3-31 22:05 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-1 00:02 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Ed_China 于 2009-3-31 22:04 发表
9 g; |1 n0 H6 C/ e6 B7 w, zYou use the market values of the land and the building to divide the costs between the land and the building. If you'd like to know the market vaules of the property, please contact a company related  ...

$ @9 o) v0 j6 G9 p+ t2 Y
. x. l/ K0 e: g& @* P" T$ d
9 {" G% ]$ ]4 p: g谢谢。
; [7 N1 h5 Y. N3 B: ~
  g, T* G5 Y, t* p; y+ j请问这个和网上down的cra rental income guide一样 吗?
" t6 u) b' n" Q; r) c( ]# d! {+ b* \! ^; P9 q' v  |, z/ D
如果我有房租收入,但是当年不想交税,用这就抵掉,capital gain 以后再说,这样不好吗? 土地买卖的capital gain要交税吗?还是只有building capital gain要交税?
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-18 14:01 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-22 12:05 | 显示全部楼层
Investors have long known that depreciation on depreciable real estate is an economic fiction. Since property values usually increase over time, depreciation has often been called a "phantom" expense. Congress even recognized this fact and instituted changes to the US tax code that introduced what is known as "depreciation recapture."% I. l. w1 z8 L6 U7 T% o
: {$ \" k) t4 A* _/ ^% e5 k1 a. Y
Suppose you buy $75,000 of depreciable real estate and depreciate it by $10,000 during your holding period. The property's book value (cost minus depreciation taken) would then be $65,000.3 M1 k* l' m- c+ t3 K3 P, m
; o6 s# D! H+ p
Now by selling the property for anything more than $65,000, you demonstrate that your $10,000 of depreciation was a phantom expense. The property did not depreciate at all -- it went up in value.2 H& p8 v2 L( q) M+ j. E
/ v- w2 h! Q- R* s3 w. t
If you sell the property for between $65,000 and $75,000, the amount of the selling price that exceeds $65,000 is the amount of depreciation that DID NOT really occur. Depreciation that did not really occur is said to be "recaptured" at the time of the sale. You must pay tax on it to make up for the deductions you took (or should have taken) previously.5 a  v) V* g0 @" D7 ~

, K0 k" n- B2 G: A* eConsider the following examples. In each case, an investment property is purchased for $100,000 and depreciated by $20,000 during the holding period -- reducing the book value to $80,000 at the time of sale.1 q' _3 Q8 ^. L, e8 f; z! T9 q
6 q7 f% ]! B, H/ k
Case 1: The property is sold for $120,000 or $20,000 more than the original cost. The taxable gain on this sale (sale price minus book value) is $40,000. The first $20,000 of this gain is depreciation recapture, and the rest is a capital gain.
  j; j3 s9 k' Z
. g' I8 p# ~3 ]- O# {Case 2: The property is sold for $92,000. The sale proceeds exceed the book value of $80,000, but do not exceed the original cost of the property. In this case, the $12,000 of gain on the sale is considered a depreciation recapture and there is no capital gain. The reader should note that although the property was sold for less than its original cost, there is no loss for tax purposes because the property was sold for more than its book value.
7 ]5 b0 Q8 A+ t% v7 P, d
% u' j  |' `+ c6 }Case 3: The property is sold for $76,000 which is $4,000 less than its book value at the time of the sale. There is no depreciation recapture and no capital gain. Instead, there is a capital loss of $4,000.& W3 y( D$ ~  L8 Y) F; f( R9 ]" G

6 z+ T: a! [; I* G4 XCurrently, the depreciation recapture tax rate is 25%, while the maximum long-term capital gains tax rate is 15%.
# [; P+ Q7 q1 I! E
8 L! d7 z8 x* A3 ^+ n每年算折旧,那么相当于你买房的成本在下降。比如说房子20万,你算了1万的折旧,那么如果你卖房时卖了50万,你gain=50-20+1, 多了一万交depreciation recapture 由于卖房那年收入很高,按最高税率40%来算,多交1万x 40% = 4000的税。
" a. T0 Z8 A7 ?$ Y  {
" r0 Y7 r2 V# X$ ^& }6 u+ D9 \所以说算折旧要根据个人收入情况来决定,如果高收入,比如40%税率,那么折旧抵rental income, 省40%税. 以后卖的时候再补depreciation recapture税40%, 相当于延税。否则如果低税率,就不要算折旧。# i$ L$ p* ^- m: b& h5 _, y
. a+ T) q3 U1 l% w* G5 F
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-26 12:00 | 显示全部楼层
还是晕。。。这个land cost和building cost谁说了算?/ h5 a# x; V/ @5 ~* S) y
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