鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
我和我的邻居一起hire住家保姆,主要责任是看四个孩子,两男孩快5岁了, starting september上午take school bus 去kintergarden,下午schoolbus 会送他们回家, 两女孩2岁。要求会cooking 有爱心,有经验,最好会开车,不过不是主要条件。 偶尔时间上有些flexibility. 英文程度: 可以和小孩沟通,讲故事等等。邻居孩子不会中文。
+ z) h d \7 u t# g( opay: 11.88 - 12.88 per hour based on experience 44 hr per week
- Y+ m P. M3 r1 h, z9 Y; T- N. S+ Gthose that are interested and able to commit for long term (这不是临时工作) please send resume to me : yventaz@yahoo.ca. C* U0 T, ? c1 [
then we will set up interview。
* a+ D1 t. @) `: LWe want to start in the next few months, for overseas applicant, no later to start in September 2009, you pay the placement fee if there is any.. K3 [$ \5 w5 a( s
) q! p* e/ [$ r; u5 X
Anyone knows a good nanny please recommend. Thanks.
% p5 f) i& ~; mApparently my neighbor is not very satisfied with their current nanny, so want to seek a better one.0 N* x1 R' H9 ~
$ z2 T" c6 d& V- n" W7 O
[ 本帖最后由 miewmiew 于 2009-3-21 20:05 编辑 ] |